Home » today » Business » [사회]Beyond a celebrity, a deep fake video of’acquaintance rape’…”There is no difference from room n”

[사회]Beyond a celebrity, a deep fake video of’acquaintance rape’…”There is no difference from room n”


With the incidents of’Room n’and’Park Sabang’, the enforcement and punishment of digital sexual violence crimes have also been strengthened.

However, illegal pornography that synthesized celebrities as well as ordinary people using artificial intelligence is still being shared online.

This is Shin Joon-myeong.


Illegal videos poured out when searching for a deep fake with a celebrity name.

It looks like a famous celebrity appears, but it is actually a deep fake pornography that synthesizes only the face using artificial intelligence technology.

Over 14,000 deepfake videos that an overseas cyber security company checked online last year.

Of these, 96% of digital sex crime videos were, and 25% of victims were Korean female entertainers.

In the end, even a national petition for severe punishment of deep fake pornography featuring celebrities appeared, and nearly 400,000 people agreed.

Now, not only entertainers but also ordinary people are being targeted.

It is so-called’acquaintance rape’, and if you look at social media, you can easily find an article that makes a composite video for the general public.

These videos are difficult to tell the truth, causing more damage and pain to the victim.

Women’s groups point out that deepfake pornography is no different from sexual exploitation in Room n.

[서승희 / 한국사이버성폭력대응센터 대표 : 타인의 동의 없이 그 사람의 성적인 촬영물을 이용해 금전적으로 활용하거나 어떤 다른 성적 목적으로 활용한다는 점에서 심각한 성폭력이라는 공통점을 가지고 있습니다.]

The punishment for deep fakes has also been strengthened with the incident of Room n.

In June of last year, the law was amended to imprisonment for not more than 5 years or a fine of 50 million won or less for distributing or producing deep fake videos.

Previously, there were no separate penalties, so charges of defamation were applied.

The police extended the intensive crackdown period, which was scheduled from December last year to next month, by two months.

In addition, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, and the Korea Communications Standards Commission have come up with regulatory measures such as blocking access to related sites.

YTN Shin Junmyeong[[email protected]]is.

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