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[사회]600 people for two days in a row…”Continuous infection at large-scale workplaces”

123 cumulative confirmations related to Namyangju plastic manufacturing plant
149 cumulative confirmations related to the Kiturami boiler plant in Asan, Chungnam
Soonchunhyang University Hospital, Songpa Moisture Academy, etc. Continued aftermath of group infection
Concerned about the possibility of a ‘4th pandemic’ if the effect of the Lunar New Year holidays begins in earnest


Following yesterday, today, the number of corona19 confirmed patients recorded 600.

The government is struggling to come up with countermeasures amid concerns that if the effect of the Lunar New Year holidays intensifies, the number of confirmed cases may increase.

Reporter Hwang Hye-kyung reports.


The number of corona 19 confirmed cases was around 600 for two days in a row.

It has only been one month since the beginning of last month that the number of confirmed cases per day has been recorded in a row of 600 people.

As the number of confirmed cases related to the Namyangju plastic manufacturing plant and the Kiturami boiler plant in Asan, Chungcheongnam-do expanded to family and acquaintances, the number increased to the mid-100.

The aftermath of large and small group infections such as Seoul Soonchunhyang University Hospital and Songpa-gu Moisture Academy continued.

Considering the incubation period, tensions from the quarantine authorities are rising as the size of the confirmed cases has jumped before the effect of the Lunar New Year holidays in earnest.

In particular, as soon as the social distancing stage is eased, the number of confirmed cases has soared, and there are voices saying that it is necessary to raise the stage again.

[이혁민 / 세브란스 진단검사 의학과 교수 : 저희가 11월의 경험을 놓고 봤을 때 그 때에 비해서 지금 비교를 해보게 되면 계절적 요인 이런 것들이 변한 게 별로 없거든요. 그렇기 때문에 저희가 만약에 사회적 거리두기나 이런 부분들을 충분히 시행하지 못하고 그다음에 현재 코로나19 감염을 충분히 관리하지 못한다면 3월에는 분명히 천명 넘어가는 코로나19 확진자를 볼 수도 있다고 생각합니다.]

It is also a concern that the possibility of the spread of Corona 19 through these asymptomatic infections remains, as the number of hidden infections covered by temporary screening tests is still significant.

The authorities plan to review further measures while keeping an eye on the spread by next week.

[권준욱 / 중앙방역대책본부 제2부본부장 : 집단감염 발생시설에 대한 개별적인 위험요인을 분석, 발표하면서 최대한 자율 그리고 책임에 기반한 지속 가능한 거리두기가 이행될 수 있도록 최선을 다하겠습니다.]

The quarantine authorities emphasized that the implementation of distancing is more important, saying that because Korea has a relatively small corona outbreak compared to the United States or Europe, the immunity level formed in the local community is also low.

This is YTN Hwang Hye-kyung.

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