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[사회]55% of the people “no need to resign”…more than 50, “support”


Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol opposed the two-month disciplinary action against the suspension, but there is a growing voice in the passport that he should step down with Justice Minister Choo Mi-ae, who expressed his appreciation.

YTN asked for public opinion over the resignation of the two, and more than half of the respondents said that President Yoon’s resignation was unnecessary.

Public opinion with resignation was 38.3%.

Reporter Na Hye-in reports.


[신동근 / 더불어민주당 최고위원 (18일) : 대통령과 끝까지 가보겠다는 것도, 불사하겠단 태도는 용기가 아니라 객기입니다. 인간적으로 몹쓸 일입니다.]

[홍익표 / 더불어민주당 의원 (17일 KBS 라디오 ‘김경래의 최강시사’) : 그런 식의(징계 불복) 모습을 보이는 건 도리어 지질해 보일 수도 있다고 봐요.]

The pressure on the passport that President Yoon Suk-yeol must withdraw himself has been increasing since Minister Choo Mi-ae’s speech.

The intention was to resolve the extreme conflict with the resignation of the two, but public opinion was different.

When YTN commissioned Real Meter, a public opinion poll, to ask for his opinion on the move, more than half of the 54.8% said that he did not need to resign.

38.3% of respondents said they should resign with Minister Chu.

By region, more than 7 out of 10 people in Daegu and Gyeongbuk answered that they did not need to resign, showing higher response rates than other regions.

The temperature difference was also large, depending on the party they supported.

While 78.9% of Democratic supporters said the two should resign together, 88.1% of people’s power supporters said that Yun needed to withdraw.

Among the shamans, 65.6% said that Yun did not have to resign.

By age, young people in their twenties, thirties, and forties had no significant difference between the opinions of resignation and the need to resign.

As the age of 50 or older got higher, opinions increased that it was not necessary to resign.

With the court’s decision this week to keep the discipline against President Yun, the court’s decision is also likely to affect public opinion.

On the 18th, this survey was conducted on 500 men and women over the age of 18 nationwide, and the sample error is ±4.4%p at the 95% confidence level.

For more information, please refer to the website of Real Meter or the Central Election Survey Deliberation Committee.

This is Hyein Na, YTN.

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