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[사회]12 additional’mutant virus’ confirmed…’concern’ ahead of vaccination


Another 12 patients newly infected with the COVID-19 mutant virus came out in Korea.

More than 30 people are still being tested, so the number of confirmed cases may increase.

With vaccination ahead, there are concerns that the mutant virus will not be a variable.

This is Kim Woong-rae.


Twelve out of 56 people who recently came from overseas have been infected with the COVID-19 mutant virus.

The UK mutant virus was detected in 10 people, and the South African mutant virus was detected in the remaining two.

[이상원 / 중앙방역대책본부 역학조사분석단장 : 3명은 검역단계에서 그리고 9명은 입국 후에 자가격리 단계에서 실시한 검사에서 양성이 확인되었습니다.]

It has been determined that no additional people have been infected yet.

However, there are passengers who have been on the same plane and have been confirmed to have Corona 19, so we cannot guarantee yet.

[이상원 / 중앙방역대책본부 역학조사분석단장 : 현재 항공기 근접 좌석 탑승객 중에서 2명이 코로나19에 확진되어 변이 검사를 진행하고 있습니다.]

To date, 51 patients have been infected with the mutant virus.

There are 34 people who are being tested for the first outbreak.

When test results are available, the number of patients can increase significantly.

[백순영 / 가톨릭대학교 의대 명예교수 : (변이 바이러스는) 전파력이 강할 뿐만 아니라, 우리 몸 안에서의 증식력도 굉장히 강하기 때문에 / 지역 사회의 환자 수를 전체적으로 크게 만들면서 위중증 환자와 사망자가 늘어나는….]

The quarantine authorities predict that the number of domestic outbreaks will continue to increase as the number of mutant virus outbreaks worldwide is increasing.

Even domestic treatments for COVID-19, which will be supplied in the near future, have not clearly confirmed the efficacy of the mutant virus, so there is a high voice that monitoring of foreign immigrants should be further strengthened.

YTN Kim Woong-rae[[email protected]]is.

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