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[사회]1 in 4 carbon monoxide poisoning occurs while camping … “Ventilation required”


Accidents and deaths from carbon monoxide poisoning while camping are on the rise.

One in four carbon monoxide poisoning incidents occurred while camping.

When heating in a tent, be sure to ventilate it frequently.

I’m the reporter Kim Hak-moo.


A man in his forties was found dead while camping alone in Gwangju on the 19th.

Inside the tent, lightning bullets, a saucepan and cup noodles were found and he is presumed to have died of carbon monoxide poisoning while trying to boil water.

With cold winds, the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning accidents increases.

According to a fire department survey, the number of 119 reports of carbon monoxide poisoning in the past three years has increased significantly from October to 471 cases.

Notably, 1 in 4 carbon monoxide poisoning incidents have been found to occur in tents or camping vehicles.

Gases such as stoves and hot water mats using butane gas accounted for the bulk at 61.8%, followed by carbon monoxide leaks from wood and coal-fired ovens.

Cardiac arrest due to carbon monoxide poisoning has also occurred in vehicles and tends in more than 33% of cases, making it more dangerous in confined spaces.

[홍승운 / 한국가스안전공사 부장 : 우리가 호흡기를 통해 호흡하면 신체 혈액 속에 산소 결핍 현상이 일어나 어지럼증, 구토 등이 일어나고 심한 경우 실신이나 사망에 이르게 됩니다.]

Carbon monoxide is odorless and colorless, so it is impossible to detect leaks and even a small amount can cause death.

Firefighters pointed out that if heaters are used in vehicles and tents, they need to be ventilated frequently and carbon monoxide detectors are also needed.

Also, if you experience the first symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning, such as headache or dizziness, emergency health services should be called immediately.

I’m YTN Kim Hak-moo.

YTN Kim Hak-moo ([email protected])

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