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[사회][단독] “Lime body” Kim Bong-hyun tried to smuggle two days before the escape…failed and weighed on domestic disappearance


It has already been 7 days since former Star Mobility chairman Kim Bong-hyun, who is called the “body” of the Lime incident, where a ransom payment of 1.6 trillion won was suspended, cut his electronic device and disappeared.

Following YTN’s coverage, the situation where former President Kim attempted to smuggle two days before the escape was confirmed to have been captured.

Since the smuggling ended in failure, the investigating authorities believe that former President Kim remained in Korea.

This is reporter Yoon Seong-hoon’s exclusive report.


It was around 13:30 on the 11th that former Star Mobility chairman Kim Bong-hyun turned off his electronic device and fled.

Only 1 hour and 30 minutes left before the first sentence of the trial.

Prosecutors announced the escape in about an hour, and about 3 hours later drew up a nationwide wanted list.

Then, together with other investigative agencies such as the Coast Guard, we began to identify former President Kim’s tendencies.

As a result of YTN’s cover-up, it was confirmed that investigating authorities at the time captured the movement of former President Kim’s smuggling attempt.

Also on the 9th, two days before ex-President Kim’s flight, it was discovered that there was an underground movement to secretly leave for another country.

Investigative authorities are assessing the possibility that former President Kim disappeared in Korea because the clandestine attempt failed.

We’re currently tracing the person who contacted the brokers about Kim’s clandestine attempt.

So where is former President Kim hiding?

Because the escape itself was meticulously planned, the prosecution has trouble even figuring out the route.

While traveling in his nephew’s car, former President Kim left no traces that could be clues, such as pulling out the black box memory card and replacing the SIM card on his cell phone.

The prosecution intensively questioned his nephew who was with him about the former president’s activities on the day of the escape, but to no avail.

Since we are dealing with relatives, it is not easy to conduct a forced investigation by applying the crime of evasion.

The nephew is said to have said he did not know how to escape, saying he went to Paldang Bridge with former President Kim and left him near Yeouido, Seoul.

First of all, the prosecution banned some of the aides who may be involved in ex-President Kim’s escape from leaving the country.

Former President Kim Bong-hyun, who disappeared for five months after fleeing in 2019 before the mandate review.

There is a possibility that the flight of key figures in the ‘Lime Crisis’, which caused 1.6 trillion won in damages, may be longer than expected.

This is YTN Sunghoon Yoon.

YTN Yoon Seong-hun ([email protected])

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