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[사회][단독] Hospitals requiring 13-digit resident registration number for visitors…

In September of last year, an unmanned machine for entering personal information was installed at the entrance.
Name, mobile phone number, and 13-digit resident registration number required
“Needed for overseas visit history inquiry”… “Concerns about external exposure”


Some hospitals collect personal information of not only patients but also visitors through unmanned machines, saying that it is necessary for access control.

Although it is said that it is due to Corona 19, excessive personal information requests are illegal, and another problem is that there is no protective device to prevent external exposure.

When the YTN coverage began, the relevant authorities decided to investigate the situation.

This is the exclusive report by reporter Eom Yun-ju.


A general hospital in Gyeonggi-do.

Since September of last year, four unmanned machines have been installed to input personal information at the entrance to manage access.

The information you need to fill in is your name, mobile phone number, and 13-digit social security number.

“(I’m not here for medical treatment, but do I still have to fill in the whole?) Everyone has to do it in order to enter.”

I went to another hospital with an unmanned machine installed.

Also, it is instructed to enter the entire social security number in order to search the overseas visit history.

The problem is that if you make up your mind, you can see the personal information of the person in front.

“This is because the Simpyeongwon checks whether you have been abroad or not.”

Complaints about requesting personal information recklessly without a protective device are bound to come out.

[이지영 / 서울 내발산동 : 제 신상이 다 노출이 되면 스팸 문자라든지 그런 게 가끔 오더라고요, 저는 전혀 의도하지 않은 것들이. 그런 게 약간 불편해요.]

On what legal basis can hospitals and unmanned machinery companies collect social security numbers?

They cited three main reasons.

It means that personal information can be requested if necessary to block infectious diseases, but the person who can implement this law in the first place is not the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or the Mayor/Do Governor, not a hospital.

The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said it has not passed the authority over to them, nor has it given any relevant guidelines.

[질병관리청 관계자 : 우리가 권한을 주거나 안 주거나 그런 문제가 아니고 그 기관에서 그런 법 집행을 할 수 있는 권한 자체가 없는 거죠. (이 법적 근거로 정보를 수집한다는 게 말이 안 되는 거네요?) 말이 안 되죠.]

Second reason.

According to the guidelines of the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service, it is necessary to search the overseas visit history of all visitors.

However, the Simpyeongwon, who manages the system, said that only patients were inquired.

[건강보험심사평가원 관계자 : 진료받는 환자를 대상으로 하기 때문에 이외 병문안을 오거나 그런 사람들에 대해서는 지침을 내리지도 않았고, 그런 권한도 없어요. 사실 저희 DUR 쪽에서도 약간 황당해 하더라고요.]

For the third reason, some hospitals said they collected personal information because it was urgently needed for public safety, as in the exceptions to the law.

However, experts pointed out that in the case of collecting social security numbers, not only must the personal information protection laws be strictly applied, but it is difficult to regard visitor management as an emergency.

[김보라미 / 변호사 : 해당 조항은 아주 긴급하게 일시적으로 필요한 경우, 최소한도로 적용할 수 있는 법률 조항이기 때문에. 주민등록번호를 수집해야 하는 정말 긴급한 경우로 보기가 상당히 어렵고.]

As the quarantine authorities even create a safe number and are concerned about the leakage of personal information, this is the reason why the voices of hospitals are overly collecting personal information.

[권헌영 / 고려대 정보보호대학원 교수 : 최근에는 안심 번호로 전화번호를 쓰게 하는 별도의 조치를 취하고 있는 상황에서 주민등록번호를 수집하는 과도한 정보 수집은 법적 근거도 불분명하고 위법의 소지가 크다고 생각됩니다.]

When the YTN coverage began, the Personal Information Protection Committee decided to conduct an accurate investigation into the matter, claiming that there was a violation of the law.

YTN Eom Yun-ju[[email protected]]is.

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