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[사회][단독] Exclusive interview with Chairman Kim Kwang-dong of Truth and Reconciliation…”The controversy over history is due to the media”


Kim Gwang-dong, chairman of the Truth and Reconciliation Committee, who caused controversy over historical perception, had his first official interview with YTN alone since his inauguration.

Chairman Kim felt unfair, saying that the controversy was ‘due to incorrect reports by the media’, but he did not change his existing position that there was no helicopter shooting at the time of May 18th and there was a possibility of North Korean intervention.

Reporter Kim Chul-hee met.


Last January, the National Assembly Communications Office.

Democratization movement groups such as the 4/19, the Buma Uprising, and the 5/18 gathered together for a press conference.

Participants demanded an apology and resignation from Chairman Kim Kwang-dong, saying that he had distorted history.

[원순석 / 5·18기념재단 이사장 (지난 1월) : 김광동 위원장이 즉각 사퇴할 것을 요구한다. 그리고 민주화운동의 왜곡과 폄훼를 방지하기 위하여 국회에서는 민주화운동의 정신을 기리고….]

In an interview with YTN, Chairman Kim argued that such voices are due to incorrect reports by the media.

In particular, regarding the 4·19, he changed his existing position, saying that he thought that the ‘democratic revolution was right’.

However, he explained that the citizens pursued democracy because they wanted to live a better life, in other words, industrialization.

[김광동 / 2기 진실화해위원장 : ‘배고파서 우는 백성이다’라는 것은 4·19 단체들이 얘기한 것이지 제가 얘기한 것이 아닙니다. 잘사는 번영체제를 만드는 토대를 다지기 위해서 민주 체제를 지향했다는 것입니다.]

The claim that the 5/16 military coup succeeded the 4/19 revolution has not been denied this time either.

Chairman Kim said that the 4·19 participants agreed with his opinion, saying that ‘that is a way to broadly and comprehensively understand modern and contemporary history’.

In May 1980, the claim that there was no helicopter shooting in Gwangju was also the same.

At the trial of the late Father Jovio, I asked if the existence of helicopter shooting was confirmed, but he even made a statement denying the judgment of the judiciary.

[김광동 / 2기 진실화해위원장 : (법원에선 5·18에서 헬기 사격이 있었다고 하던데?) 법원 판결문을 한 번 다시 읽어보세요. 그게 사건의 진상을 밝힌 법원 판결문인지.]

Regarding the theory of North Korean intervention, he argued that North Korea was involved in various cases and attempted to intervene, suggesting the possibility that there may have been such an attempt in the process of the Gwangju democratization movement.

We also asked about candidate Lee Je-bong of the Truth and Reconciliation Committee, who recently caused controversy by saying, “The existence of comfort women must be verified.”

Chairman Kim took the place of his position by saying that he should not point fingers over expressing his personal opinion.

[김광동 / 2기 진실화해위원장 : 역사 사건에 대해서 어떤 판단을 하고 개인적인 의견을 표명한 것이 어떤 사회적 지탄의 대상이 되고, 이 방향으로 가는 것에는 동의하지 않습니다.]

Currently, an amendment to the Past Reconciliation Act is being proposed in the National Assembly to allow the impeachment of the chairman of the Truth and Reconciliation Committee if he violates the Constitution or the law.

Regarding this, Chairman Kim Kwang-dong did not reply, saying, ‘It is a matter for discussion by the National Assembly.’

This is YTN Kim Cheol-hee.


In his first official interview with YTN, Chairman Kim Kwang-dong of Truth and Reconciliation expressed the need to extend the period of the committee’s activities and establish a permanent foundation in the form of a foundation.

It is an unusual position for a chairman from a conservative figure, but he also said that there are ‘conditions’ for a wide range of activities.

Reporter Cheol-hee Kim continues.


On December 12 last year, Kim Gwang-dong, a standing member of the 2nd Truth and Reconciliation Committee, began his second term as chairman.

Shortly before Chairman Kim’s inauguration, the committee closed the application for truth-finding and began a full-scale investigation.

Now, after three months, Chairman Kim says the two years given to the committee are too short to deal with a wide range of modern history cases.

It was pointed out that there were a lot more cases to deal with, but less time and staff.

[김광동 / 2기 진실화해위원장 : 2만 건이 넘게 신청돼 있습니다. 그리고 조사 기간도 (1기 때보다) 1년 짧고 또 조사 인원도 적습니다.]

Right now, according to the law, we intend to extend the term of the committee by one year, but this is not enough.

Chairman Kim thinks that permanent organization is necessary to properly carry out the assigned mission.

They said that we need to establish a permanent research organization to uncover the truth, but if we are faced with a financial burden, we should at least create a Truth and Reconciliation Foundation to support it.

It also presented specific alternatives to victims’ damage relief.

The key is to reduce time and costs by creating a compensation committee.

[김광동 / 2기 진실화해위원장 : 효율적이고 조속하고 비용도 절약하고. 또 전문적인 배·보상위원회를 통해서 바로바로 심사해서 피해 구제가 될 방안을 찾고자 하고….]

Following human rights violations and adoption issues in collective accommodation facilities, Chairman Kim cited sacrifices by hostile forces as remaining tasks.

In particular, he stressed that he would pay more attention to the sacrifices of Christians by the People’s Army and the families of police officers.

Lastly, he asked for this, saying that he would faithfully investigate regardless of the nature of the case for which the application was filed.

[김광동 / 2기 진실화해위원장 : 조명받지 못한 부분까지도 함께 만들어서 통합적인 미래를 열고자 그런 활동을 하고 있고 지켜봐 달라, 격려해달라 이 말씀 드리고 싶습니다.]

This is YTN Kim Cheol-hee.

YTN Cheolhee Kim ([email protected])

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