Home » today » News » [문화][현장영상] The first ever’non-face-to-face Christmas Mass’…”I hope that Christmas will be a light of hope and comfort”

[문화][현장영상] The first ever’non-face-to-face Christmas Mass’…”I hope that Christmas will be a light of hope and comfort”


At this time, in churches and churches across the country, Christmas Masses and worship services celebrate the birth of the baby Jesus.

In particular, this year, due to the spread of corona, we are conducting non-face-to-face for the first time ever.

At this time, we will connect the Myeong-Dong Catholic Cathedral in Seoul where the Christmas Mass is currently being held.

[염수정 / 추기경]

I hope that the grace and peace that Baby Jesus will give you and your family will be full.

Because the whole world is groaning in pain due to Corona 19, we ask the Lord for grace and peace with even more desperate heart.

May the Lord’s Christmas come as a light of hope and comfort to all of us in trouble.

I hope that the day when the northern believers will also gain freedom of faith and praise the Lord together.

We are having a very difficult and difficult time now. It is a pity that Corona 19 shows no signs of calming down. May God’s special grace be with the medical staff and volunteers who are willing to spare no effort and sacrifice, hoping that patients who are having a hard time recover as soon as possible.

Every time I hear the news of many common people who are being driven into trouble to suffer from the prolonged corona crisis, my heart hurts. I think it is time to have more interest and brotherly love for the marginalized and poor.

Our social and economic situation is also very difficult and confusing, so there is no way ahead. We must open our hearts to the light from above as the surroundings get darker.

When times are difficult, believers must rely on God and hope in him.

Whenever the Old Testament Israelites suffered, they also turned to God.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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