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[매경춘추] Act 3 of your life, you are ready – Maeil Business

After becoming a founding member of a company that focuses on promoting women’s health, the most rewarding part is that I have become more interested in the health of not only myself but also my friends and the women around me, including my daughter, and that I am also concerned about minor symptoms. When they are there, they actively change their thinking and behavior to find solutions.

As I grew up, I also began to sympathize with and understand the health problems that my mother, aunts, elders and older sisters would suffer first. My mother was diagnosed with angina after menopause and she urgently received a stent and she has been receiving heart and diabetes care and treatment ever since. My maternal grandmother, who was more correct than anyone else, was unable to move for a long time after fracturing her thigh bone and died with weakened energies.

Although still overlooked by many, the risk of cardiovascular disease in women increases dramatically after menopause. In retrospect, it was a very lucky case for my mother to receive the procedure 30 years ago and to be able to actively prevent and treat cardiovascular disease ever since.

The average age of natural menopause among Korean women is 49.9 years. According to the most recent data from the National Bureau of Statistics, the life expectancy of Korean women is 86.5 years, which means that over a third of life is after menopause. After all, it is no exaggeration to say that preparing women for old age begins with health care after menopause. I am currently also going through the transition to menopause and, in order to live a healthy life in the future, I need to pay special attention to physical and mental changes.

For postmenopausal health management, it is important to first recognize the various symptoms that can appear due to rapid changes in hormone secretion and prepare for them as natural changes. Reduced estrogen levels can make it difficult to sleep at night or can lead to depression. Sleeping well requires awareness and, in my case, it was good to meditate on sleep before going to bed, reading or drinking a hot tea without caffeine. To relieve the symptoms of hot flashes, which affects 80% of postmenopausal women, and to prevent osteoporosis, which can lead to fractures, you may want to consider starting treatment and prevention that is right for you after receiving a diagnosis. by a specialist. In particular, as the risk of cardiovascular and metabolic syndrome increases rapidly after menopause, regular checkups and active care are essential.

It is believed that if through these efforts a healthy and comfortable menopause is achieved, one can enjoy the freedom from the discomfort and impatience experienced every month by the average age of 12, from the physical and psychological changes caused by hormonal changes and various pains Life after menopause can be expected. With deeper preparation, we hope that all of us women can enjoy the third act of the theater of life in a healthy way, life after menopause.

[김소은 한국오가논 대표]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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