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/사진=’놀면뭐하니?’ 방송화면 캡쳐
‘놀면 뭐하니?’ 하하가 인지도 굴욕에 울컥했다.
9일 방송된 MBC 주말 예능 프로그램 ‘놀면 뭐하니’에서는 전래동화 ‘좁쌀 한 톨’의 실제 주인공이 되어 예측불허 물물교환을 펼치는 멤버들의 모습이 그려졌다.
이날 유재석-하하-주우재는 숙명여대 근처에 방문해 놀이터에서 놀고 있던 초등학교 5학년 학생과 인터뷰했다. 학생은 유재석을 바로 알아봤지만, 나머지 멤버들은 누군지 전혀 모른다고 했다. 하하는 “방송 23년 차다. ‘런닝맨’을 아는데 날 왜 모르냐”라며 분해했다. 학생은 “유재석 아저씨만 숏츠에서 봤다”라며 “사진 좀 찍어도 될까요?”라고 유재석에게만 사진을 요청해 하하와 주우재에게 굴욕을 선사했다.
이후 초등학생의 다른 친구가 등장했다. 다른 학생 역시 하하와 주우재는 잘 모르지만 유재석은 잘 알고 있다고 했다. 하하를 ‘히히’라 하고, 주우재를 ‘이윤석’이라고 해 보는 이들의 웃음을 자아내기도 했nd use a conversational tone.
Proposing Innovative Solutions and Ideas
When it comes to finding solutions to complex problems, it’s important to think outside the box and come up with innovative ideas. Here are a few proposals that could help address some of the challenges we face today:
1. Embracing Renewable Energy
One innovative solution to combat climate change is to embrace renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. By investing in and promoting the use of these sustainable energy sources, we can reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and decrease our carbon footprint.
2. Implementing Universal Basic Income
With the rise of automation and the gig economy, many people are struggling to make ends meet. Implementing a universal basic income could provide financial security for all citizens, allowing them to pursue education, start businesses, and contribute to society in meaningful ways.
3. Promoting Sustainable Agriculture
As the global population continues to grow, it’s crucial to promote sustainable agricultural practices that can feed the world without depleting natural resources. Investing in regenerative farming techniques and supporting small-scale farmers can help ensure food security for future generations.
4. Investing in Education and Skills Training
To thrive in the rapidly changing job market, individuals need access to quality education and skills training. By investing in lifelong learning opportunities, we can empower people to adapt to new technologies and industries, ultimately driving economic growth and innovation.
These are just a few examples of innovative solutions that have the potential to address some of the most pressing issues of our time. By thinking creatively and embracing new ideas, we can work towards a brighter and more sustainable future for all.
“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” – Steve Jobs
Let’s embrace innovation and work towards a better tomorrow.