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[내일은 이 종목] Korea Aerospace, a stock worth investing in among defense stocks – Maeil Business Newspaper

On the 05th, KOSPI closed at 2,441.55 points, down -8.8% from the previous day. In the KOSPI market, individuals bought a net of KRW 1700.1 billion, and institutions sold and foreigners net -KRW 273.5 billion and -KRW 1528.1 billion. Notably, institutions appeared to have been net sellers for the three days in a row.

KOSDAQ closed at 691.28 points, down -11.3% from the previous day. In the KOSDAQ market, foreigners and institutions made net purchases of KRW 547.2 billion and KRW 118.8 billion, while individuals sold a net -KRW 679.5 billion.

AI believed Korea Aerospace had growth potential and recommended ee as the stock of the day.

★★ Korea Aerospace (Go to ▶) ★★

[투자포인트 상세보기▶]

– The only aerospace company in Korea

– Foreigners recently bought for 6 days in a row

– 3 security companies raised their targets

– Growth retention until 2027 (Daol Investment & Securities)

▶ See supply and demand analysis 08/05

news/cms/202408/05/news-p.v1.20240805.25234cc79bd24faf9971a18c586de36a_R.png" data-width="693" data-height="475"/> enlarge picture

◆ Stocks recommended by AI today◆

1. DGB Financial Group: Recent institutional buying for 3 consecutive days (Check investment points ▶)

2. Pharma Research: Recent institutional buying for 2 consecutive days (Check investment points ▶)

3. Shinhan Financial Group: 3 securities firms raised target prices (Check investment points ▶)

◆ Recent performance of AI stock recommendation (Go to ▶)

explain a picture news/cms/202408/05/news-p.v1.20240805.407bd9fe759d414d90250a7951a20b7b_R.png" data-width="943" data-height="342"/> enlarge picture

[08/05 추천주 상세보기 ▶]

Details of these stocks can be found in the AI ​​stock recommendation service. When you use the AI ​​stock recommendation service, you get recommendations for stocks that are likely to rise suddenly every morning at 9:02 am. In addition, among the previously recommended stocks, you will find analysis reasons for stocks whose investment attractiveness has increased due to the issues of the day at 12:10.

explain a picture news/cms/202408/05/news-p.v1.20240805.0eb9bf4d280345cd9b66ac1e9f9c2dd5_R.png" data-width="650" data-height="350"/> enlarge picture

▶ Learn about ‘Imaginative Stock Lending’ for mutual investment >>>

[위 내용은 매경닷컴의 편집방향과 무관하며, 해당업체에서 제공된 내용입니다.]

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