Home » today » World » [국제]US-Japan Summit 13…’Cooperation with North Korea’ as key agenda

[국제]US-Japan Summit 13…’Cooperation with North Korea’ as key agenda

Prime Minister Kishida will visit Europe, Canada and the US from 9
Japan, this year’s G7 president… to the United States after visiting a member state
The US-Japan summit on the 13th… Prime Minister Kishida’s first visit to the United States


The US-Japan summit will be held in Washington on the 13th.

At this meeting, President Biden and Prime Minister Kishida are expected to discuss measures to respond to North Korea’s nuclear and missile threats as key agenda items.

This was reported by correspondent Lee Kyung-ah in Tokyo.


Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida announced at a New Year’s press conference that he will visit Europe, Canada and the United States from 9.

As the chairman of the G7 seven major countries this year, we will first visit other member countries such as France and then meet President Biden in Washington on the 13th.

Prime Minister Kishida, who is visiting the United States for the first time since taking office, expressed his anticipation for the meeting.

[기시다 후미오 / 일본 총리 : 지난해 연말 방위력의 획기적 강화를 위한 구체적 정책을 발표했습니다. 이를 바탕으로 일본 외교 안보의 기축인 미일 동맹을 한층 강화해 대내외에 보여줄 것입니다.]

The White House said the meeting “will discuss a number of issues, including North Korea’s weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missile programs and Russia’s war in Ukraine.”

The US-Japan summit will be held again in two months after the one in November last year.

In the possibility of a North Korean nuclear test since the beginning of the year, the leaders of the United States and Japan reveal close cooperation with North Korea.

Japan should raise its voice at the United Nations to urge the international community to respond strongly to North Korea.

Japan, which became a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council for two years starting this year, has repeatedly highlighted North Korea’s missile threat.

[이시카네 기미히로 / 유엔 주재 일본 대사 : 이웃 나라(북한)의 위협에 직면한 일본과 일본인의 목소리를 전하고 안보리가 하나 된 목소리를 내도록 최선을 다해 왔습니다. 이는 제가 이번 안보리에서도 추구할 일 중 하나입니다.]

Last year, the Security Council discussed countermeasures after North Korea’s string of ballistic missile launches but failed to propose concrete sanctions due to opposition from China and Russia.

Tensions also continue between Japan and China, as Chinese drones confirmed near Okinawa since the new year.

In the midst of this, the Japanese government has tightened regulations, such as conducting a PCR test when entering the country from mainland China, where the corona has been spreading since the 8th, and requiring a negative certificate when arriving on a direct flight. .

This is YTN Lee Kyung-ah from Tokyo.

YTN Kyungah Lee

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