Home » today » Business » [국제]The U.S. has completed all the official review procedures necessary for Pfizer vaccination

[국제]The U.S. has completed all the official review procedures necessary for Pfizer vaccination

The U.S. has completed all the screening procedures required by the authorities for Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccination.

CNN reported on the 13th local time that Robert Redfield, Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC had accepted the decision to recommend vaccine use by the CDC advisory body, the Immunization Advisory Committee.

In order to approve the emergency use of the COVID-19 vaccine in the United States, it must go through the relevant review procedures of the Food and Drug Administration, the FDA and the CDC.

The FDA accepted the following day, the 11th, when the Vaccine and Biological Drugs Advisory Committee, an advisory body, recommended urgent use of a vaccine jointly developed by Pfizer and Bioentech on the 10th.

Subsequently, the CDC’s advisory committee decided to recommend that Americans aged 16 and older should be vaccinated in favor of 11-0 on the 12th local time, and Director Redfield accepted it a day later.

“It means we can get the vaccine now in the US,” CNN said. “The first shot is expected on the morning of the 14th local time.”

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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