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[국제]Putin’s meeting with military commanders revealed

I haven’t seen him since the event in Kyrgyzstan on the 9th.
Cancellation of the annual press conference and dialogue with the public
Even ice hockey games to show health have been cancelled.
Western media raise rumors about Putin’s health


As Russian President Putin cancels a number of official year-end events, speculation runs rampant, from health anomalies to rumors of an escape to South America.

In the midst of all this, President Putin’s meeting with military commanders was made public.

This is reporter Kim Jin-ho’s report.


The last official event President Putin appeared at was the Eurasian Economic Community event held in Kyrgyzstan on the 9th.

The annual press conference and “Conversation with the People” event, which used to be held at the end of the year, has been cancelled.

Analysts say the cancellation of this event was due to concerns that difficult war-related issues could arise.

To show off his health, he also canceled ice hockey games, which have taken place almost every year-end since 2012.

Western media have raised health anomalies, and political commentator Abbas Galiyamov, who was once Putin’s secretary, said Putin was planning a flight to South America.

In this situation, it was revealed on the 17th local time that President Putin convened and chaired a meeting of around 10 military commanders, including Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and Chief of Staff Valery Gerasimov.

[블라디미르 푸틴 / 러시아 대통령 : 우리는 작전 방향과 관련해 지휘관들의 의견을 청취할 것입니다. 즉각적으로 필요한 작전과 중기적인 작전에 관해 제안을 듣고 싶습니다.]

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said: “Putin spent the entire day with military commanders at the command center.”

As the war in Ukraine has been going on for 10 months, Russia has withdrawn from Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, and Kharkiv, the second city, and last month suffered the humiliation of being ousted from the strategic southern city of Kherson.

As criticism also emerges from Putin supporters of his successive defeats, rumors of medical anomalies and escapes are also circulating, drawing more attention to President Putin’s movements.

This is YTN Kim Jin-ho.

YTN Jinho Kim ([email protected])

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