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[국제]Mandatory inspection and quarantine entry into Canada…


Canada has announced a plan to strengthen the quarantine system, requiring all entrants to quarantine designated facilities after arrival at the airport until diagnostic tests and results are confirmed.

It is a measure to block the corona 19 mutant virus, which is rapidly spreading around the world, but other countries are working hard to stop the inflow of the virus into their own country by increasing the level of response one after another.

This is reporter Kim Jeong-hoe.


Canada has compulsory corona19 screening at the airport for all arrivals on flights.

It has also been mandated to wait in a government-designated quarantine facility until test results are available.

The inspection fee, which costs 1.75 million won, is the responsibility of the entrant.

[쥐스탱 트뤼도 / 캐나다 총리 : 입국자들에 대해 공항에서 PCR 검사를 의무적으로 하게 할 겁니다. 입국자들은 정부 지정 호텔에서 결과가 나올 때까지 최대 3일을 기다려야 합니다.]

The strengthened immigration measures will be implemented in February.

Canada’s quarantine level, which was limited to submitting negative confirmations, has been raised because of concerns about the mutant virus.

[쥐스탱 트뤼도 / 캐나다 총리 : 단 하나의 변이 바이러스 사례라도 큰 문제를 일으킬 수 있다는 것을 우리는 알고 있습니다. 우리에게 추가 조치가 필요한 이유입니다.]

Earlier, U.S. President Biden also signed an executive order requiring the submission of voice confirmations and self-isolation of all inbound travelers immediately after taking office for the same reason.

[조 바이든 / 미국 대통령 :입국자들은 비행기에 타기 전 코로나19 검사를 받아야 하고 미국에 도착하면 자가격리를 해야 합니다.]

Other countries are tightening their reins one after another.

Japan has completely banned all foreigners, including for business purposes.

France has banned travelers from outside the EU, and several countries, such as Saudi Arabia and the Philippines, are blocking entry from the UK and South Africa where mutations have appeared.

The EU has left only 7 countries, excluding the United States and Japan, from the countries subject to entry.

The UK has made it mandatory for all entrants to submit voice confirmations and self-isolate on the 10th.

In Korea, it is also mandatory for all foreigners entering the country to submit a negative confirmation, post-entry diagnostic test, and quarantine for 2 weeks.

This is YTN Kim Jeong-hoe.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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