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[국제]Japanese Prime Minister Suga, “review of emergency declaration”…will the crisis break through?


An emergency situation is expected to be issued as early as this week in four areas in the metropolitan area, including Tokyo, Japan, where the spread of Corona 19 is not declining.

Prime Minister Suga said at a New Year’s press conference that he would take the initiative when vaccination begins at the end of next month.

Tokyo correspondent Lee Gyeong-ah reports.


On the last day of last year, the number of people infected with Corona 19 in Japan for the first time exceeded 4,000.

Of these, more than half were infected from four areas in the metropolitan area, including Tokyo.

However, the words to spend a quiet year-end and New Year were crowded during the holiday season in central areas such as Shibuya.

Prime Minister Suga, who was passive about the emergency declaration due to the impact on the economy, eventually changed his mind.

[스가 요시히데 / 일본 총리 (신년 기자회견) : (수도권 4개 지자체 음식점 등에) 저녁 8시까지 영업 단축을 요청하겠습니다. 정부도 긴급사태 선언 검토에 들어가겠습니다.]

Prime Minister Suga is expected to announce an emergency situation for four metropolitan municipalities, including Tokyo, as early as this week after an expert meeting.

Unlike when it was first announced in April, when schools were closed and closed, it is expected that only some industries, such as restaurants that were designated as a hotbed for the spread of infection, will be restricted.

Vaccine approval, the key to preventing infection, is also in a rush.

[스가 요시히데 / 일본 총리 (신년 기자회견) : 2월 하순부터 접종을 시작할 수 있도록 정부가 하나 돼 준비하겠습니다. 저도 솔선해서 백신을 맞을 것입니다.]

For countries where the mutant virus has emerged, immigration regulations have been further strengthened, such as immediately stopping traffic for business purposes.

Accordingly, it was decided to postpone the Korea-Japan Congressional League seminar scheduled to be held in Tokyo on the 13th.

As if conscious of the fallen approval rating, Prime Minister Suga at a press conference emphasized that he will accelerate the reforms that the public can feel while strengthening quarantine.

The prime minister’s press conference, which announced an emergency declaration from the beginning of the new year, shows the current sense of crisis.

Suga’s cabinet was put to the test again amid voices that the government and the Olympics would all be missed if the Corona was not caught.

This is Kyungah Lee from YTN in Tokyo.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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