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[국제]Israel “0.014% infection rate of 2 vaccines… no severe”

A senior government official said that among the two vaccinations, there were no severely ill patients in Israel, where the world’s fastest vaccination for COVID-19 is given.

According to a Reuters news agency on the 26th local time, Israeli Health Minister Yuly Edelstein attended the Congressional Health Committee and said that only 0.014% of “certificate of vaccination” holders had mild corona19 symptoms, and no patients showed serious symptoms.

‘Vaccination Certificate’ refers to a’green card’ issued in Israel one week after the first and second vaccinations are completed.

Israeli vaccinations started on the 19th of last month with an early acquisition of large quantities from Pfizer on condition of providing real-time data on vaccinations.

Up to now, the number of primary vaccinations is 2,88,000, and the number of people who have completed the 2nd vaccination is about 12,455,000.

Earlier, Israeli medical management organization’Mackabi’ also said that a survey of 128,000 people who received Pfizer’s vaccine 2nd dose showed 20 infections and 0.015%.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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