Home » today » News » [국제]Iranian captured Korean sailors released after 29 days…Captain continued to be detained

[국제]Iranian captured Korean sailors released after 29 days…Captain continued to be detained


The crew of the chemical carrier Korea Chemi, which was captured by the Iranian government earlier last month, were released.

One Korean captain remained in Iran with the ship, and the Korean government repeatedly urged an immediate solution.

Reporter Park Kyung-seok reported


The decision was made to release 19 Korean Kemiho sailors who had been detained by the Iranian government for marine pollution.

It has been 29 days since it was captured while passing the Persian Gulf with methanol on the 4th of last month.

Iran’s Foreign Ministry said it was a humanitarian decision at the request of the South Korean government.

However, Korean captains and ships must remain on site until the investigation of the sea pollution alleged by Iran is completed.

While welcoming Iran’s decision, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs requested the prompt release of the Korean captain and delivery of the ship.

The released Korean sailors move to Tehran and return home.

Sailors from Indonesia, Vietnam, and Myanmar, who were released together, will also confirm their intention to return to Korea and take necessary measures.

It has been analyzed that the Iranian government’s capture of ships was due to complaints about Iranian funds that were frozen in South Korea due to US sanctions.

In the meantime, the Korean government has persuaded Iran to proceed quickly with regard to the frozen funds, and to proceed transparently in the areas to be discussed with the United States.

Some analyzes say that the Iranian government’s decision to release the country without a specific solution to the frozen funds was a friendly message conscious of the US Biden government, which holds the key to lifting sanctions.

This is YTN Park Kyung-seok.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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