Home » today » World » [국제]EU corona vaccine’simultaneous vaccination’ countdown…Hungary, Germany launched first

[국제]EU corona vaccine’simultaneous vaccination’ countdown…Hungary, Germany launched first


While the European Union and the EU announced a’simultaneous vaccination’ of the Corona 19 vaccine from Sunday and 27 local time, a Pfizer vaccine transport operation took place across continental Europe.

Most of the first shipments delivered to each country are around 10,000 doses, and are expected to be exhausted for high-risk COVID-19 vaccines.

Reporter Park Sang-nam on the report.


Early early morning on Saturday, when it’s still dark,

A large refrigeration truck is running on the highway, escorted by police cars.

Pfizer vaccine products shipped from Belgium are delivered to destinations in Germany.

When the truck arrives at its destination, the vaccine product is carefully unloaded.

[옌스 슈판 / 독일 보건부 장관 : 지금 이 순간, 최초의 백신을 실은 트럭들이 유럽 전역, 독일 전역, 모든 연방 주에서 달리고 있습니다.]

The Pfizer vaccine, which left its manufacturing plant in Belgium, was delivered to 27 EU member states across continental Europe over early Friday and Saturday morning local time.

[프랭크 위에 / 파리지역 병원 의약품 책임자 : (화이자) 백신은 영하 80도 냉동 보관 상태로 파리와 다른 지역의 여러 요양원에 보내질 것입니다.]

Most countries have a policy of starting official vaccinations on Sunday at local time at the request of the EU Commission.

The first vaccination targets are high-risk groups such as the elderly and frontline medical personnel.

But Hungary started vaccinating healthcare workers on Saturday one day earlier.

[야노시 / 헝가리 국립 혈액학·감염 연구소장 : 오늘 헝가리에서 최초의 코로나19 백신 접종이 시행됐습니다.]

Germany also gave the first vaccination shot to a 101-year-old woman at a nursing home for senior citizens in Saxony-Anhalt.

The first vaccine shipments delivered to each EU member state are expected to be exhausted by vaccinations for high-risk groups.

A full-scale large-scale vaccination for the whole country is expected to begin next month.

This is YTN Park Sang-nam.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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