Home » today » World » [국제]Emergency measures to block Trump accounts and delete videos such as Twitter and Facebook

[국제]Emergency measures to block Trump accounts and delete videos such as Twitter and Facebook


As supporters invade Congress after President Trump’s agitation, social media have taken urgent measures one after another.

Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, etc. have also temporarily blocked Trump’s personal account and deleted videos of President Trump’s speech to protesters.

The former presidents were also criticized.

This is reporter Kim Jeong-hoe.


Twitter has blocked President Trump’s Twitter account.

We only blocked 12 hours, but warned that we would permanently block if we do not delete the 3 cases voluntarily.

‘Three cases in question’ include tweets advocating protesters invading the US Congress and videos alleging presidential scams again.

What I saw as particularly problematic was tweets in favor of protesters.

I saw violence and agitation as serious, such as calling him a great patriot and even saying to remember this day forever.

[도널드 트럼프 / 미국 대통령 : 여러분의 고통을 압니다. 우리에겐 도둑맞은 선거가 있습니다. 압도적인 선거여서 모든 사람이 알고 특히 반대쪽도 압니다. 하지만 여러분은 지금 집으로 가야 합니다.]

Facebook deleted this video.

The presidential account was then blocked for 24 hours.

I heard the reason that the protesters’ intrusion into the Capitol was considered an emergency and that the video was instigating violence.

In the video, President Trump knows the pain of his supporters, but repeatedly urges him to return home to protect law, order, and peace, and argues that he and his supporters cannot play around with the results of the election.

The Associated Press said President Trump was not reluctant to call for restraint.

At the time, President Trump said he was watching the protests over the air and reluctantly uploaded the video at the appeal of Republican lawmakers and aides.

Snapchat, the parent company of Snapchat, is also blocking accounts, and social media companies are blocking President Trump’s accounts.

Meanwhile, former presidents, including George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Bill Clinton, have been accused of incitement and false information that led to the occupation of the Capitol.

Human rights groups also emphasized that the position of the uncontrolled far-right group during Trump’s tenure and the intrusion to the Capitol were exactly the same, and emphasized that social media companies should continue to block Trump’s account until the risk is resolved.

This is YTN Kim Jeong-hoe.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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