Home » today » World » [국제]Deportation of diplomats from three countries including Russia and Germany… intensifying conflict over’Putin’

[국제]Deportation of diplomats from three countries including Russia and Germany… intensifying conflict over’Putin’


Russia has ordered deportation to diplomats from three European Union countries, saying that Russia has participated in the rally for the release of its opposition activist Alexey Navalni.

Diplomatic conflicts are escalating after EU countries have warned that they will take appropriate action if they do not cancel their deportation orders.

Reporter Park Kyung-seok’s report.


Russia has ordered German, Swedish and Polish diplomats to leave Russia as soon as possible.

The deported targets are diplomats from the German Embassy in Moscow and the Consulates General of Sweden and Poland in St. Petersburg.

The reason is that he participated in an illegal rally calling for the release of Putin’s static opposition activist Sergey Navalni.

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs argued that “the actions of diplomats are unacceptable and not suitable for diplomatic status.”

The Parties strongly opposed it.

The decision to deport was accused of further undermining relations with Europe, followed by warnings to review corresponding measures.

[앙겔라 메르켈 / 독일 총리 : 이번 추방 결정은 부당합니다. 법치주의와는 거리가 먼 러시아의 또 다른 모습을 보여주는 사례라고 생각합니다.]

France also joined the ranks of strong criticism.

[에마뉘엘 마크롱 / 프랑스 대통령 : 나발니의 독극물 중독에서부터 그의 귀국과 체포, 실형 선고, 그리고 추방 결정에 이르기까지의 모든 과정을 가장 강한 어조로 규탄합니다.]

Navalni was taken to Germany for medical treatment after he collapsed on an aircraft in August of last year due to symptoms of poisoning.

At that time, Navalni’s body was criticized as a Russian assassination attempt as the ingredient,’Nobichok’, a nerve agent developed by the former Soviet Union, came out.

Navalni, who returned to Russia after treatment, was immediately arrested, and a Russian court recently sentenced Navalni to three years and six months of imprisonment and detained.

As rally demanding the release of Navalni continues in various parts of Russia, the decision to expel diplomats has also deepened diplomatic conflict between Russia and the West.

This is YTN Park Kyung-seok.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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