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[국제]”City restoration is in full swing”… nervous about the prospect of further offensive

Two months have passed now… Restoration of the collapsed hotel is in full swing
The window ‘wrapped’ due to the shock of the air raid… The theater is also restored under tension
Residents returning to the city… “No more nightmares”


It is not only the front line where the fighting takes place, but also the capital, Kieu, that cannot let down their guard at the prospect of Russia’s spring offensive.

This is because the memory of the air raid is clear until recently, and I am concerned that even the city center restoration work, which is in full swing, will collapse again.

Correspondent Song Jae-in reports from Kiiu.


In the middle of downtown Kieu, fireworks flash from buildings and the area is filled with dark smoke.

Those who took refuge indoors at the deafening roar were utterly stunned.

On New Year’s Eve, a Russian missile landed on a city hotel.

How about now that nearly two months have passed?

Work is underway to rebuild the corner of the completely collapsed hotel.

It took a month to clear the rubble, and restoration began only at the end of last month.

The period required for reconstruction is at least three months, and if it is attacked again during this time, everything will be in vain.

[얼레그 / 공사 담당자 : (공사 중에 다시 대공습이 있을지 걱정되진 않습니까?) 걱정됩니다. 그런 일이 안 생길 거라고 믿어야 할 뿐이죠.]

At the time, most of the windows were broken due to the shock, and the National Palace of Arts opposite.

As a temporary measure, we have filled the wooden planks, but we hope there will be no further attacks until the reopening next month.

[안드리히 / 국립예술궁전 총책임자 : 이곳은 이런 아픔이 생길 곳이 아니라 문화가 태어나야 하는 장소입니다.]

Residents are also returning to the outlying town of Bucha, where civilians were massacred in the early days of the war.

Although there are still traces of the horrors, the building is being rebuilt, drawing on everyday life.

However, if the nightmare comes again, you may not be able to find a way to the future.

[비딸리 / 우크라이나 부차 : 스트레스는 계속됩니다. 내일은 어떻게 될지, 가족들은 또 어떤 일이 생길지 여전히 불안합니다.]

Citizens are not able to let go of the tension that their daily life, which is barely a step closer, will collapse again.

This is YTN Song Jae-in.

YTN Song Jae-in ([email protected])

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