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[국제]Chinese Xi Jinping and Japan’s first Kishida Summit…”Strengthening Security Communication and Economic Cooperation”


Chinese President Xi Jinping and Japanese Prime Minister Kishida met for the first time in Bangkok, Thailand.

It has been three years since the China-Japan summit was held, and they agreed to strengthen communication in the field of security and economic cooperation.

Correspondent Kyung-ah Lee reports from Tokyo.


Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived first in the conference hall.

Meeting Japanese Prime Minister Kishida for the first time, we smiled and shook hands.

At the first China-Japan summit in three years, President Xi stressed the importance of bilateral relations.

[시진핑 / 중국 국가주석 : 중국과 일본은 많은 공통의 이익과 협력할 공간이 있습니다. 중일 관계의 중요성은 변하지 않았고 변할 수 없습니다.]

Prime Minister Kishida also stressed the cooperation by mentioning the 50th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between China and Japan.

[기시다 후미오 / 일본 총리 “건설적 안정적 양국 관계 구축을 서로의 노력으로 가속화 하는 것이 중요합니다.]

During the 45-minute meeting, the two countries agreed to operate a hotline between defense authorities at an early stage and strengthen communication such as security dialogue.

The two leaders agreed that there should be no use of nuclear weapons by Russia, especially in Ukraine.

Regarding North Korea’s nuclear and missile threats, Japan said it “expects China to play its role, including in the United Nations Security Council.”

At the same time, he reiterated the importance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.

In addition to security, the two countries agreed to hold a high-level economic dialogue to accelerate cooperation in the environment and economy.

After the meeting, Prime Minister Kishida said, “I had an honest and in-depth conversation” with President Xi and said, “It was a good start.”

Attention is focusing on the possibility that the bilateral relationship will reach a tipping point through this meeting amid disagreements on key issues such as the Senkaku Islands, which are competing for territorial sovereignty.

I’m YTN Kyungah Lee from Tokyo.

YTN Lee Kyung-ah

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