Home » today » World » [국제]Chinese vaccines are approved for sale as early as next week…

[국제]Chinese vaccines are approved for sale as early as next week…

“Chinese vaccines are licensed for conditional marketing as early as next week”
China, the general public also received a trial application… “Demand survey dimension”
Chinese health authorities “retain antibodies for more than 6 months if they get vaccine”
“Chinese vaccine has no serious side effects, but recommends 30 minutes to stay in hospital”


With the vaccination competition intensifying, China is also expected to grant official marketing licenses for domestic vaccines as early as next week.

We started accepting vaccination applications for the public, and correspondent Kang Seong-woong reports in Beijing.


China’s vaccine countermeasures, which set a policy to inoculate 50 million people before the Lunar New Year holidays, are accelerating.

China’s health authorities are expected to issue official marketing authorizations for domestic vaccines as early as next week.

Once approved, the release is conditional, and the official approval is expected to take place around April next year.

[정중웨이 / 국가위생건강위원회 의약위생과학발전연구센터 주임 : (임상 시험) 데이터가 상응하는 기준에 도달하면 국가 감독기관에서 조건부 출시 또는 출시 허가를 내줄 것입니다.]

Medical staff and police officers are also starting to receive applications for vaccinations from non-preferred people.

Tangyuan County, Heilongjiang Province, has applied for about 250,000 former residents since the 15th.

It is a kind of demand survey, but the actual vaccination is expected to be available early next year when the vaccine is available.

[쩡이신 / 국가위생건강위원회 부주임 : 고위험군에 이어 일반인에 대한 접종도 전면적으로 질서 있게 진행할 예정입니다.]

Chinese health officials have announced that those who received the home-made vaccine had the antibodies maintained for at least six months.

In March, a participant in a clinical trial was told that antibodies remained for 9 months.

Although there were no serious side effects in the test, it was also revealed that it was better to remain in the hospital for 30 minutes immediately after vaccination.

China’s vaccine production capacity is expected to exceed 600 million doses per year and well over 1 billion doses next year.

China has yet to officially announce the efficacy and final test results of its vaccine, but it is highly likely that some of it will be released ahead of conditional marketing approval by next week.

YTN Sungwoong Kang in Beijing[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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