Home » today » World » [국제]Chinese Lunar New Year Movement of 2.1 Billion People… Global Tension Over Concerns Over Spreading Infection

[국제]Chinese Lunar New Year Movement of 2.1 Billion People… Global Tension Over Concerns Over Spreading Infection

China expects 2.1 billion returnees during ‘Spring Festival transportation’
Double from last year… 70% recovery before COVID-19
After the abolition of zero corona in China, the ‘retaliatory return home’ procession


About 2.1 billion people are expected to go home during this year’s Lunar New Year, which is the first time since the abolition of “Zero Corona”.

It doubles last year and recovers 70% of its pre-Corona 19 level, but China and the world are nervous about the spread of the infection.

This is the correspondent Kang Jeong-kyu in Beijing.


China’s “Spring Festival Transportation” period begins with just one week of public holidays and a massive migration of 1.4 billion people.

The Chinese government has predicted that around 2.1 billion people will go home in the next 40 days.

It doubles last year and is 70% of 2019, before the outbreak of COVID-19.

After the abolition of the “zero corona” quarantine policy that limited travel between regions, it is like a “reprisal return”.

[쉬청광 / 중국 교통운송부 차관 : 지난 3년 동안 쌓인 인민 대중의 귀향, 친지 방문, 관광 등의 이동 수요가 집중적으로 방출되고….]

Most of them are visits to relatives (55%) or return trips by farmers (24%) and the percentage of trips (10%) is also not small.

In fact, airline tickets to locations in southern China have increased by around 50%.

High-end hotels and resorts in Sanya, Hainan are said to have made up for the losses of the past three years.

[쉬샹위 / 하이난 싼야 호텔 관계자 : 투숙률은 이미 80%를 넘어서 90% 안팎이 될 겁니다. 여행 성수기가 앞당겨졌다고 말할 수 있을 것 같아요.]

The problem is the risk of spreading the infection.

In particular, there is a strong concern that damage will increase in rural areas where the medical infrastructure is weak and there are many elderly people.

Along with the lifting of the quarantine upon entering China on the 8th, overseas travel has also increased significantly, making the entire global village tense.

This is Beijing’s YTN Jungkyu Kang.

YTN Kang Jeong-gyu ([email protected])

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