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[국제]A year after the invasion, the war changed Kiiu…”Everyday life continues”

St. Sophia Cathedral in Kieu, from a tourist destination to a memorial space
War situation exhibits full of plaza… destroyed russian tank
“Glory to the Ukrainian soldiers”… Civic message piled up


Ahead of the first anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, YTN reporters returned to the capital, Kiiu.

In the changed urban landscape, the cathedral, which has established itself as a memorial space, is receiving more and more records from citizens who wish for victory and peace.

Connect with local correspondents. Reporter Song Jae-in!


Yes, this is Kiev, Ukraine.


In the previous connection, you were in front of a downtown building damaged by Russian air raids. Where are you now?


Saint Sophia Cathedral in the middle of the city.

This place, which was famous as a tourist destination, has now become a place of remembrance for citizens during the war that lasted nearly a year.

Funerals are held for fallen soldiers, and the square is filled with exhibits showing wartime conditions.

Destroyed Russian tanks are displayed to publicize the horrors of war and pledge victory.

On this tank, which was also present when YTN reporters came in June of last year, the records of citizens thanking the soldiers and places throughout Ukraine increased even more.

On the other hand, the number of photos of the dead on the ‘Wall of Remembrance’ continues to increase, and we can see the sadness of war deepening.

Not only the urban landscape, but also life has changed.

It is an air raid alarm that sounds once or twice a day and has become a daily routine, but there were still citizens who trembled in fear.

[데지아나 / 키이우 시민 : 공습경보가 울리면 여전히 매번 긴장감이 들고 두려워요. 지하철은 도시의 가장 깊은 곳이라 가장 안전하게 느껴집니다.]


What is the mood of the citizens?


The most common thing citizens said was that war had already become a part of everyday life.

It must mean that the wartime situation has continued for a year and we have become accustomed to life in wartime. Let’s listen to the citizens.

[아르뗌 / 우크라이나 키이우 : 두려움은 갈수록 옅어져서 이젠 전쟁이 습관처럼 느껴져요. 공습 경보에도 초연한 마음으로 대응합니다.]

On the other hand, it was also read that they would go beyond familiarity and continue their individual lives even in fear.

In fact, each Kiiu citizen is making a living, and most of the shops are open.

There were times when Russia had to endure power cuts while raiding energy facilities, but the electricity supply has not been cut off for the last two weeks.

One citizen evaluated that the fact that citizens are not swayed by war and keep their daily lives is the result of solidarity and belief in victory among Ukrainians.


Ahead of the first anniversary of the war, US President Biden and Russian President Putin are both planning to give related speeches, right?


Yes, first of all, US President Biden made a surprise visit to Kiiwu yesterday.

He met with Ukrainian President Zelensky and announced plans for $500 million in military aid.

In response, Russia immediately strongly protested through state media, saying it was proof that the West was fighting a proxy war.

President Biden, who moved back to Poland, plans to address the Polish people after a summit meeting with President Duda this evening.

Prior to this, President Putin is scheduled to give a state of the art speech on the war, so attention is focused on the counter-messages between the two leaders.

This is YTN Song Jae-in from Kiiu, Ukraine.

YTN Song Jae-in ([email protected])

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