Home » today » World » [국제]47 Hong Kong Democrats, including Joshua Wong, accused of overthrowing the country

[국제]47 Hong Kong Democrats, including Joshua Wong, accused of overthrowing the country

In Hong Kong, 47 democratic figures, including former opposition lawmakers and activists, have been charged with overthrowing the state regime under the Hong Kong National Security Act.

According to local media and foreign media, Hong Kong police said the bails of those charged today (28th) were dismissed and they would be detained overnight and appear in court on March 1st.

Earlier, the Hong Kong police arrested 55 people on January 6 in connection with the primary election of opposition legislators in which 600,000 people participated last year, of which 47 were prosecuted this time.

It is the largest single prosecution since the enforcement of the Hong Kong Security Act last year.

Police see the primary election as an illegal attempt to paralyze the Hong Kong government.

The Hong Kong legislative election was postponed for a year due to COVID-19.

The prosecution included former Hong Kong University professor Beni Tai, who led the primary election, and famous democratic activist Joshua Wong, and Jimmy Sham, president of the Civil Rights Front.

Joshua Wong is already in jail at the end of last year for inciting illegal assembly.

This pile of prosecutions came a week ahead of China’s largest annual political event,’Yanghoe’.

At both meetings this year, there are observations that a plan to completely reorganize the election system in Hong Kong and block the run for democrats will be discussed.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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