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[국제]26 foreigners killed in the Itaewon disaster … Australian Prime Minister “Mourning for Korean victims”


It is regrettable that large numbers of foreigners were sacrificed in foreign countries in this disastrous Itaewon disaster.

The Australian Prime Minister expressed his condolences for the loss of a young woman in his country and Russia, where four people died, took steps to bring the victims back home.

I’m the reporter Im Soo-geun.


Grace Ratchet, a 23-year-old Australian woman, had a bowel movement while visiting Itaewon with her friends.

Grace, who graduated in video, would die a few days before her 24th birthday.

A friend of Grace, who was visiting Itaewon at the time, criticized the crushing disaster as a talent created by the lack of management by the authorities.

[네이트 태버니티 / 희생자 친구 : 이번 참사는 술 취한 사람들에 의해 발생한 것이 아닙니다. 치안과 구조 실패 때문입니다. 아무도 도와주지 않았어요.]

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanage expressed his sincere condolences to the families of the victims, saying the Itaewon disaster was an unexpected tragedy.

[앤서니 앨버니지 / 호주 총리 : (이태원) 비극은 특히 한국민에게 충격을 줬습니다. 또 호주 가정에도 가혹한 충격을 줬습니다.]

Russia, where four people were killed, also cited the Itaewon disaster as a major source.

Russian media, including Primamedia, reported that the four Russians who were crushed by the disaster were all women in their 20s.

One of the dead, Yuliana Park, graduated from Far Eastern Federal University in Vladivostok and is said to have lived in Korea for about a year.

Friends who learned the news of the accident are raising money through social networking services to pay for funeral expenses for the bereaved family.

The city of Vladivostok said it will provide assistance such as body transport if requested by the victims’ families.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said 26 foreigners were killed and 15 injured in the disastrous Itaewon disaster.

By nationality, 5 people from Iran, 4 people from China and Russia, 2 people from the United States and Japan, and 14 countries including France, Thailand and Norway were included.

I’m YTN Im Soo-geun.

[YTN은 이태원 참사 희생자들의 명복을 빕니다. 아울러 유족들의 슬픔에 깊은 위로를 전합니다.]

YTN Sugeun Lim ([email protected])

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