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[경제]The price of rice in the rainy season and zipkok ↑…


The movement in the price of rice is unusual.

Rice crops were sluggish last year due to the rainy season and typhoons. As the demand for home-cooked meals increased due to Corona 19, the price of rice rose significantly.

Following the recent announcement of food companies to increase the price of instant rice, restaurant companies are also considering raising the price of rice balls.

Reporter Gye Hoon-hee reports.


As of the 10th, the retail price of 20kg of rice was 6,184 won.

It has risen by about 30% from the average year.

Rice prices rose steadily last year, especially in September, when the rise began to increase, and in December it exceeded 60,000 won.

That’s almost twice as much as it was four years ago.

The demand for home rice increased due to Corona 19, but the harvest was not good due to the rainy season and typhoon, and rice production last year reached the lowest level in 52 years and the price jumped.

Given this situation, some restaurants are wondering whether to increase the price of rice balls.

The formula that additional rice balls are free or 1,000 won is disappearing.

In the online community where self-employed people actually gathered, there were articles about raising the price of rice, saying that it is no longer possible to handle the price of rice.

Some restaurants, mainly delivery companies, have already raised the price of rice balls to 1,500 won.

Instead, they emphasized the large amount of rice and named them’Gobongbap’,’Merdeumbap’, and’Daejeolbap’.

The food industry is also preparing to raise the price of instant rice due to rising raw material prices.

CJ CheilJedang, which has the largest market share of instant rice, plans to increase the price of’Hetbahn’ by 6-7% at the end of this month.

Ottogi, who raised the price last year, is planning to raise the price again by 7~9% after the Lunar New Year.

The government, which has already released reserves to stabilize prices, is expected to consider additional measures after watching the market situation.

YTN Kye Hoon-hee[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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