Home » today » Business » [경제]Small businessmen ‘3rd subsidy’ paid from the 11th…3 million won for prohibited businesses

[경제]Small businessmen ‘3rd subsidy’ paid from the 11th…3 million won for prohibited businesses


From the 11th of next week, the 3rd Disaster Support Fund will begin to be paid to small business owners who have closed their doors or operated restricted business due to social distancing measures in the corona 19 crisis.

It covers 2.8 million small business owners, and up to 3 million won including rent is supported for businesses that are prohibited from collectively.

Reporter Lee Kwang-yeop.


A plan to support the ‘supporting fund’ for small businesses worth KRW 4 trillion in total was disclosed in detail.

Unlike in the past, rent support is also specified in this third subsidy.

According to the measures to strengthen quarantine in November last year, the’collective prohibition’ sector will receive 3 million won and the’operation restriction’ sector will receive 2 million won.

In addition, if the sales of the general industry were less than 400 million won last year and the amount decreased from the previous year, you can receive 1 million won.

Winter sports facilities, which were banned from gathering due to special quarantine during the year-end and New Year holidays, and accommodation facilities with business restrictions were included.

Small business owners can apply as soon as they receive a text message on the 11th, and the support fund will be deposited as early as the afternoon of the day.

[홍남기 / 경제부총리 겸 기획재정부 장관 : 지금부터는 신속한 집행이 관건입니다. 그래서 속도전을 펴나가야 할 것입니다.]

If one person operates multiple businesses, only one business can receive support.

Also, only those who opened before November 30 last year are eligible to apply.

Small business owners who have suffered a huge blow to their business due to the third spread of Corona 19 are heading out to the streets saying that they cannot survive with disaster support funds alone.

[박주형 / 필라테스·피트니스 사업자연맹 대표 : 사회적 거리두기는 두 번이나 연장하게 됐고, 실내 체육업계는 총 6주간의 휴업 때문에 줄도산 위기에 처해 있습니다.]

Dissatisfaction among small businessmen over the so-called’tweezers prevention’ standard that regulates certain industries has made it as urgent as the provision of elaborate guidelines to provide disaster support.

YTN Lee Kwang-yeop[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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