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[경제]Small and medium-sized businesses “China’s visa expired”…Government, emergency meeting


In the meantime, Corona 19 has blocked the way to visit China, and small and medium-sized businesses whose visas have expired are stamping their feet in China’s measures to stop issuing short-term visas.

The government held an emergency countermeasure meeting to tally the damage, and decided that export support agencies would act as branch offices for Korean companies in China.

Reporter Lee Seung-yoon went to the scene.


SMEs importing steel products from China.

In the meantime, I was frustrated because I couldn’t visit China, but the Chinese government stopped issuing short-term visas, so the road ahead is bleak.

This is because your existing visa has expired.

[강성민 / 중국산 철강재 수입 업체 대표 : 보통 2~3년을 안 가다 보니까 비자가 죽은 사람이 많아요. 그래서 비자 발급을 받으려고 하는데 비자가 안 나오니까 이런 데 출장 계획을 못 잡으니까 신규 비즈니스나 사업을 하긴 하러 중국 공장도 가야 되는데, 저희도 몇 번 가려고 하다가….]

The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy held an emergency meeting involving export support organizations and major industry associations regarding the suspension of short-term and transit visa issuance in China.

[문동민 / 산업통상자원부 무역투자실장 : 정부는 엄중한 인식하에 전반적인 수출 상황과 지원 전략을 면밀히 점검해 나가겠습니다.]

KOTRA decided to open the ‘China Trade Support Desk’ and use 21 local trade centers in China to act as agents for overseas business trips and local branches for domestic companies.

During the suspension of short-term visa issuance in China, KOTRA will conduct three projects free of charge, including support for proxy meetings, proxy visits to exhibitions, and buyer surveys, up to two times per company.

KOTRA has decided to make an emergency collision in China and help with due diligence of the factory or act as a proxy for the Chinese branch for three months.

The Korea International Trade Association (KITA) plans to provide close support to Korean companies by setting up a center for complaints due to restrictions on visits by domestic companies to China, providing related information in real time, and conducting online consultations.

This is YTN Lee Seung-yoon.

YTN Lee Seung-yoon ([email protected])

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