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[경제]KOSPI, the closing date also collapsed… 2,230 units closed this year


KOSPI, which had been sluggish this year, closed the year down sharply to date, when it closed.

The unstable krone situation in China, coupled with concerns over the global economic downturn, are interpreted to have further dampened investor sentiment.

Connect with journalists. Reporter Kim Ji-sun.


Exchange of Korea.


This year’s stock market is closed today, right? Did you say it was bad until the last day?


Yes, today, the closing day, the KOSPI closed at 2,236.4, down almost 2% from yesterday.

It collapsed helplessly, giving 2,250 lines in about two months since the end of last October.

Today, the KOSPI started at 2,265.73, slightly lower than yesterday, but the decline gradually increased as foreigners and institutions sold off.

Throughout the year, the KOSPI has been slow.

On its opening day, January 3, it started at 2,988.77 to 3,000, but fell by giving up more than 750 runs in one year.

Samsung Electronics, the largest shareholder of KOSPI, started at 78,600 won at the start of the year but closed at 55,300 won.

SK Hynix, which started at 128,500 won, also fell to 75,000 won, adding to investor disappointment.

The decline in the KOSDAQ index was even greater.

It opened at 1,037.83 earlier this year but finished at 679.29, down 358.54 points on the year.

Investor sentiment is interpreted to be hardly recovering as China’s volatile krone situation adds to the sense of crisis in next year’s economic downturn.

The won-dollar exchange rate, which is also the last trading day of this year, fell for four consecutive days.

It closed at 1,264.5 wins, down 2.5 wins from yesterday.

In the Seoul foreign exchange market this year, the won-dollar exchange rate fluctuated significantly, surpassing 1,400 won in September after starting from 1,191.8 won on opening day.

This was reported by the Ministry of Economy.

YTN Kim Ji-sun ([email protected])

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