Home » today » Business » [경제]Even in the off-season of trading, the chartered “value for calling”… even the villa is’hispering’

[경제]Even in the off-season of trading, the chartered “value for calling”… even the villa is’hispering’


Usually, the end of the year is the seasonal off-season for the housing market.

However, the charter market is an exception.

As tax hikes, low interest rates, and new lease law factors overlap, the problem of chartering apartments in Seoul is intensifying.

Reporter Kim Hyun-woo’s report.


This is Eunma Apartment in Daechi-dong, Seoul, over 40 years ago.

At the end of last month, an exclusive area of ​​76m2 was contracted for around 500 million won.

But in a few days, the price doubled.

Even this, out of 4,400 households, only 7 rentals.

Because of the high demand for the Gangnam School District, there were more tenants than living.

However, as many landlords moved in to meet the two-year living requirement for reconstruction, Mr.

[서울 강남 소재 공인중개사 : 전세가 없다 보니까 아이들 공부가 덜 끝난 분들이 아직 이 동네 살아야 되잖아요. 그런데 전세가가 거의 2배로 오른 거죠. 재계약하는 분들은 2배씩 올랐어요. 전세가가. 그러니까 부르는 게 값이죠.]

With the strengthening tax system, low interest rates, and new lease laws, prices are continuing to rise due to lack of jeonse.

Although the rise was slightly reduced, this week’s Seoul charter price rose for 76 consecutive weeks.

In particular, the rise of the so-called’Gangnam 3-gu’ such as Gangnam-gu, Seocho-gu, and Songpa-gu is still the same.

The tendency of landlords to prefer anti-war tax to relieve tax burden is also becoming more pronounced.

Last month, the share of jeonse in Seoul’s apartment jeonse and monthly rent was about 60%, the lowest this year.

The declining jeonse has shifted to anti-war demand.

In the end, the problem of renting apartments in Seoul leads to a vicious cycle that makes even the rent of the villas hilarious.

[박원갑 / KB국민은행 부동산 수석전문위원 : 전세는 실수요 성격이 강해 입주물량에 민감하게 움직이는 특징이 있는데요. 내년에는 입주 물량이 올해보다 많이 줄어들어서 불안해질 수밖에 없는 것 같고요.]

As the government’s countermeasures against the cheonsei crisis, which put public leases on the front, are not working properly, the worries of jeonse consumers are growing.

YTN Kim Hyun-woo[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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