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[경제]Commercialization of flying taxis and 13-hour flight hydrogen drones


UAM, which means a taxi in the sky, or urban air mobility, has come closer to everyday life by introducing models, communication, landing pads, control, and dedicated paging apps.

Even drones that can fly for 13 hours or weigh up to 300 kg, including people, have been developed.

Reporter Lee Seung-yoon reports from the scene.


Urban air mobility, UAM, flying over the coastal waters of Busan.

It lands safely at the vertiport of Gadeokdo New Airport, that is, the landing pad.

I’m wearing AR glasses that UAM pilots will likely wear as an aid in the near future.

The glasses provide a clear view of the process of choosing alternative routes to avoid collisions with other UAMs.

As such, Asia’s largest drone event was held in Busan.

An urban air traffic platform, an integrated control system, a UAM model, and even a dedicated app have appeared.

It is predicted that the full-fledged business will start in 2025.

[전영서 / LG유플러스 CTO 기업서비스개발 랩 담당 : 올 연말까지는 네트워크와 교통 관리 플랫폼을 만들 예정이고, 우리 컨소시엄이 퓨처팀입니다. 퓨처팀이 올 연말까지 완료하고, 내년 1분기에는 전체 통합 인증 검증을 할 예정입니다. 2025년대에 성공적인 사업 론칭이 될 수 있도록 충실히 잘 준비하도록 하겠습니다.]

Drones that can carry and fly up to 300kg, including people, are a stepping stone to UAM.

Multi-purpose transport drones that can load up to 100 kg of cargo and fly for more than 30 minutes also attracted attention.

Drones that fly up to 13 hours on a single charge foreshadowed that liquid hydrogen will be the energy source for UAM in the future.

[정상훈 / SK E&S 커뮤니케이션 기획팀 매니저 : 일반인들이 액화 수소를 체험해볼 수 있는 체험 존도 마련하였습니다. 전시에서는 수소의 생산, 유통, 소비까지의 전 과정을 대형 디오라마와 전광판을 통해 나타냈고요.]

It also introduced a civil-military transport drone that uses an internal combustion engine and battery hybrid engine.

These state-of-the-art drones make us realize that the era of transportation in the sky is just around the corner.

This is YTN Lee Seung-yoon.

YTN Lee Seung-yoon ([email protected])

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