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【Loans Luquitas】Requirements + How to Apply ▷ April 2022

Get a personal loan in Argentina in traditional banking entities it is an impossible mission for most Argentines due to the approval time and the requested requirements.

Luquita Loans comes to solve this situation. You can acquire a personal loan from your home 100% digital and instant. Are you interested? Keep reading.

What is Luquitas loans?

Is a financial platform that allows to obtain personal credits 100% digital and with minimum requirements. The maximum amount to request will depend on your salary.

Requirements to take out a Luquitas loan

Los Requirements to apply for a loan in Luquitas you must have the following:

  • Being older (+18 years).
  • Have a job with demonstrable income (6 months or more seniority)
  • Have a telephone and/or email.
  • Bank account.

How to apply for a Luquitas loan? Step by Step Guide

If you meet all Luquitas loan requirementsto request a financing line you must do the following:

  1. Enter the Luquitas Loan Platform.
  2. Enter the amount to request and the return period.
  3. Complete with your personal information and send the request.
  4. Wait for the reply. If it is positive, you must send your bank account and your credit will be deposited instantly.

How do I pay my loan? Step by Step Guide

For pay the loan installments Luquitas You must do it through the bank account of the financial institution in question. You must request it from customer service and send the money between the 1st and 5th of the month without fail.

FAQ: Frequently asked questions about Luquitas loans

Does Luquitas lend throughout the country?

Yes. Loans Luquitas lends money to any area of ​​Argentina. Being a 100% digital procedure there are no impediments.

How much money can I request?

You can request up to 100,000 pesos.

How to contact Luquitas loans?

To contact Luquitas customer service you must do so at 0800 112 3000

What if I am truthful?

If you are in the Veraz, nothing happens. The Luquitas Loans risk assessment team will evaluate your profile and will decide whether or not to grant you the credit.

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