Home » today » Health » 【Body odor alarm】 Thinking you are a stink fox or liver alarm doctor deconstructs 3 types of health codes for body odors- Hong Kong Economic Times- TOPIC – Health- Health Information

【Body odor alarm】 Thinking you are a stink fox or liver alarm doctor deconstructs 3 types of health codes for body odors- Hong Kong Economic Times- TOPIC – Health- Health Information

Doctors point out that there are three types of body odor that need to be taken care of, including bad breath, sweat, and urine.

The liver is the main organ in the human body for detoxification and metabolism, however, when there is a problem with the liver, the symptoms are not noticeable and the patient often has the problem of delaying medical treatment. One doctor shared that the public can actually pay attention to some rotten eggs and some sweetness suddenly appearing on their bodies on weekdays and pointed out that once there are three types of body odors, they need to be careful, including bad breath, sweat and urine, as these are likely to be a serious liver problem.

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Dr. Jiang Shoushan said on the “Health 2.0” TV show that the human liver is like a big chemical factory. When there is a problem with the liver, many components of the food cannot be broken down, so the smell will be emitted from the inside out. He also pointed out that he has noticed that many patients with liver problems have odors on their bodies, such as some rotten eggs and a hint of sweetness. Among these, there are three types of body odors that the public should pay attention to, because one Once they appear, they are very dangerous.A big possibility is a serious liver problem.

1. bad breath

  • When the liver is damaged, urea nitrogen and ammonia in the blood will rise and stinky ammonia will be excreted from the mouth and nose during breathing, causing the bad breath problem.

2. Smell of sweat

  • If you feel your sweat stinks a lot, it may not be a normal stinky fox! Dr. Jiang said that the smell of sweat is very common in hepatitis B patients. Due to liver malfunction, the toxins in the body cannot be broken down normally. Toxins with odor will be excreted from the skin pores along with the sweat, forming the smell of sweat. ask.

3. Smell of urine

  • If the liver is damaged, the ratio of urea nitrogen to ammonia in the urine increases, and when the ammonia in the urine increases, the taste becomes heavier, resulting in an increase in the odor of ammonia in the urine.

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Responsible editor: Luo Jiaxin

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