Home » today » Health » 【Asthma Attack】 Around 1,000 people die of asthma every day in the world. Patients should seek immediate medical attention if they have any symptom- Hong Kong Economic Daily- TOPick – Health- Health information

【Asthma Attack】 Around 1,000 people die of asthma every day in the world. Patients should seek immediate medical attention if they have any symptom- Hong Kong Economic Daily- TOPick – Health- Health information

The weather is getting colder. Thinking of some of my friends with asthma, these seasons are the most prone to catching cold, so we need to be more careful to prevent asthma attacks. Please avoid contact with sensitive things, such as cats, dogs, dust, etc., and take medicines according to the doctor’s instructions, and remember not to take over-the-counter medicines indiscriminately. Above all, quit smoking!

A pulmonologist asked me to tell my friends who have asthma that once they have difficulty breathing and do not get better after taking medication, they should see a doctor as soon as possible without delay. I heard from a patient that the time of relapse is usually in the cold night. When I accidentally catch a cold, my breathing will start to become short which will become more and more urgent. I will have difficulty breathing and will make a “he he” sound. Shrimps.”

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Patients said that with a feeling of tightness in the chest, they often thought that during this attack they were going through the gates of hell, the fact is that if the “stop” is delayed, they will really die. the number of people who die of this disease worldwide is about 1,000 every day.

About 10% of children and 5% of adults in Hong Kong suffer from asthma. I have the son of a relative who had asthma as a child and, under the careful care of the doctor, rarely had this symptom as a teenager. Therefore, many people believe that with age and drug treatment, the disease of asthma is believed to be controlled.

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