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➤ Profertil highlighted the role of fertilization in soil care

Profertil was present at the new edition of the Congress of the Argentine Association of Direct Sowing Producers and emphasized good fertilization practices to have increasingly sustainable production processes.

August 19, 2021

With a focus on having increasingly sustainable production processes, a new edition of the Congress of the Argentine Association of Direct Sowing Producers (Aapresid), the most important event of local agriculture each year.

With that objective, Profertil once again said present at the event, focusing on the importance and good practices of fertilization, in which the company is a leader at the national level.

The 2021 motto of the event, “Always alive, always diverse”Puts into focus the importance of having productive systems with multiple crops, thinking not only of a sustainable agricultural rotation, but also of the inclusion of cover crops, which keep the soil permanently covered, improving the efficiency of water use and The Biodiversity.

Fertilization is a central process to achieve this and, in addition, to be able to sequester carbon that helps mitigate the climate change.

Within the framework of the Aaapresid Congress, Profertil carried out a technical workshop in which the renowned specialist spoke Miguel Taboada, whose title was “Nitrogen fertilization, an ally to improve the carbon balance”.

There, the results of a work were presented in which greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and C sequestration that occur at the batch level in corn cultivation were evaluated, under the application of different nitrogen sources. For this, the Profertil corn testing network was used, which began in 2005 and continues today.

Taboada explained how the use of stabilized nitrogen sources reduces GHG emissions, constituting an excellent climate change mitigation strategy.

“We are aware of the importance of reducing GHGs and for that we work on different axes that help mitigate this impact, aligned with the sustainable development objectives set out by the UN,” said Mirta Toribio, Profertil’s head of Research and Development. The use of stabilized fertilizers, such as eNeTOTAL Plus, allows a 30% reduction in net GHG emissions.

“Along these lines, at Aapresid we also take the opportunity to insist on the importance of promoting efficient nutrient management, using what we call Best Management Practices (MPM), which have four basic pillars: source, dose, form and correct moment of application. ”Added Toribio.

Beyond the products developed by the company in this line, Profertil, as an industrial company, is also committed to these objectives in its production processes. Since last year, more than 60% of the energy it consumes at its Bahía Blanca plant comes from renewable sources, such as the Los Teros wind power park, located near Azul, in La Buenos Aires province.

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