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➤ Gross negligence in comprehensive car insurance: Save up to 85%!

Comprehensive insurance – does it also pay in the event of gross negligence?

Does your comprehensive insurance cover the repair of your own vehicle in the event of an accident that you are responsible for? Not always. Because if gross negligence was involved, an insurance benefit can be reduced or even refused. But what exactly is gross negligence? We clarify and summarize the most important facts about comprehensive insurance.

The comprehensive insurance pays for its own damage

Rammed the neighbors while parking? Anyone who causes damage to their own vehicle must pay for the repair out of their own pocket. This does not apply to comprehensive insurance. The fully comprehensive insurance also pays for self-inflicted damage to your own vehicle. However, only if it is not a case of gross negligence. If, for example, alcohol was in the blood when parking, the driver is almost always left at his own expense: