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▷ The Economist: German Companies and Brexit | The horror in Xinjiang | EU and …

12.02.2021 – 13:22

The Economist

The Economist: German Companies and Brexit |  The horror in Xinjiang |  EU and Russia |  Socialism in Latin America


German-British economic relations

For Deutschland AG, Brexit has increasingly dire consequences. Companies in Germany complain about the effects of Great Britain’s exit from the EU

This week’s cover story highlights the point that Covid-19 is likely to become a widespread disease – and that governments must start preparing immediately. Vaccination brings enormous benefits. After giving 147 million vaccine doses, there is evidence that vaccination reduces the number of cases of Covid-19, greatly reduces the number of deaths and hospital admissions, and limits transmission. However, the virus cannot be eradicated. The task of vaccinating the whole world is too big. Too many people reject vaccines, and the virus is constantly creating new strains of the virus. For these reasons, governments need to figure out when and how to move from contingency measures to policies that are economically and socially sustainable. The transition will be difficult especially in countries like China, which have invested heavily to be free of Covid.

On the subject of vaccinations starts The Economist a new podcast from February 15th. The Jab is a weekly podcast series where experts talk about vaccine distribution, challenges and hopes, and shed light on the topic from political, economic and social perspectives. The Trailer you can listen to it now.

Other topics:

Uyghurs in China

“Genocide” is the wrong word for that Horror of Xinjiang. To face evil, the first step is to accurately describe it.

With regard to China and its repressive policies, this year’s too Democracy Index from The Economist Insights. China improved by one point last year, but is still in the authoritarian regime category. You can find the interactive graphic here

The EU and Russia

The European Union must face real Russia. Appeasement policy does not work


As the rising inflation could disrupt global economic policy. The debate is heating up

Corporate governance

The Cult of an Elon Musk or a Jack Ma has its advantages – but also involves dangers. Leaders who want to attract followers should be careful about what they want

Socialism in Latin America

Cuba and Venezuela are reluctant to open up to the market. Latin America’s most socialist countries become less socialist

Extraterrestrial life

The search for ET is in full swing. If Life beyond our solar system exists, science might find it soon


The Economist Asks: Christine Lagarde. How can Europe recover from the economic fallout from Covid-19?

Particularly interesting for our readers in Germany:

German-British economic relations

For the Germany AG Brexit has ever worse consequences. Companies in Germany complain about the effects of Great Britain’s exit from the EU

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