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▷ SPD demands immediate compulsory testing for daycare centers, schools and companies

27.03.2021 – 01:00

New Osnabrück Newspaper

Osnabrück (ots)

SPD demands immediate compulsory testing for daycare centers, schools and companies

Party leader Walter-Borjans: Union blockade “irresponsible” – “We can no longer afford protection gaps”

Osnabrück. Because of the increasing number of infections, the SPD is demanding immediate testing for daycare centers, schools and companies in order to slow down the third wave of corona. “Either daycare children and schoolchildren are tested twice a week, or the facilities have to close again, no matter how difficult it is,” said party leader Norbert Walter-Borjans in an interview with the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung” (NOZ). “There has to be an end to arbitrary decisions. We can no longer afford the protection gap that arises from open schools and daycare centers without close testing.”

The same applies to companies. “It immediately needs a nationwide test obligation for companies. Employers must be obliged to test all employees twice a week,” said Walter-Borjans in view of the soaring infection curve. “It is irresponsible that the CDU and CSU refuse to continue to refuse in this dramatic corona situation with the rapid spread of the mutants. It is far too late for a voluntary test appeal because simply not all companies are taking part.”

The SPD leader also expressed incomprehension about SPD-led countries such as Brandenburg and Berlin, which are sticking to easing despite critical incidences. “From an incidence of 100, all easing must be withdrawn. This emergency brake must now be consistently pulled wherever the critical mark has been exceeded,” said the SPD co-chairman and emphasized that the emergency brake was already fixed “at the beginning of March” The federal and state governments have been agreed.


SPD leader attacks Merkel

Walter-Borjans: The Chancellery has turned surprise into a tactic and has therefore crashedly failed – the draft resolution must be “on the table earlier”

Osnabrück. After the Chaos Corona summit, SPD leader Norbert Walter-Borjan’s Chancellor Angela Merkel attacked sharply and demanded consequences. “The Chancellery turned the surprise into a tactic and thus failed with a bang. It must definitely not run like this again,” said Walter-Borjans in an interview with the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung” (NOZ). “The processes have to get better. It starts with the draft resolutions that the country leaders get on the table far too late,” said the SPD co-chair. “It is absurd that prime ministers are caught off guard in the early hours of the morning with such momentous ideas as they did last Monday.”

Walter-Borjans does not want to shake the format of the meetings between the Chancellor and the state chiefs: “It is absolutely right that the states have a say. And the reform of the Infection Protection Act will involve the Bundestag to a greater extent,” emphasized Walter-Borjans. “The quick call for centralized responsibility is not the solution.” The mess is not due to the federal order, said the SPD leader. “My conviction remains: the countries are closer to a lot. What is lacking is professional federalism management involving the cities and districts.”


SPD boss: “vaccination prioritization must be relaxed”

Walter-Borjans calls for more flexibility – renewed criticism of vaccine procurement

Osnabrück. SPD leader Norbert Walter-Borjans has called for a loosening of the bureaucracy in order to achieve a faster vaccination rate: “Many avoid Astrazeneca. But many more would be vaccinated with it immediately if they had the opportunity. If the rigid prioritization blocked that and that leads Astrazeneca to start frosting in the refrigerator, the prioritization must be relaxed, “said Walter-Borjans in an interview with the” Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung “(NOZ). “Otherwise we will justifiably lose even more trust among the citizens. It cannot be that we trip ourselves up again and again on the way to the safe shore with even the most well-intentioned rules.”

It was right to vaccinate the very old first. “But now we need a lot more flexibility so that Astrazeneca also lands in the upper arms,” ​​emphasized Walter-Borjans. “Not a single dose should be left behind.”

Walter-Borjans reiterated the SPD allegations to the EU and to Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) that he was too hesitant to get vaccine. “A lot went wrong in the EU when it came to procuring vaccines, and that also applies to Germany. It was ordered too late. And that is now taking its toll very, very bitterly,” said the party chairman. “The argument that more EU orders would have snatched the matter away from poorer countries is a red herring.” Those who benefited from the European failures were by no means among the underdeveloped states. “The British and Israelis just stepped in earlier because it was clear to them that every dose counts to save lives.”


SPD leader on traffic lights in the federal government: “Have no blinkers”

Walter-Borjans sees no reason to rule out an alliance with the FDP – “Lindner no longer decides alone”

Osnabrück. In view of falling polls for the CDU and CSU, SPD leader Norbert Walter-Borjans has confirmed his party’s willingness to form a coalition with the FDP for a government without a union. “The SPD has no blinkers, and I know personally (FDP-Chef) Christian Lindner for many years, “said Walter-Borjans in an interview with the” Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung “(NOZ). The fact that a majority without the CDU and CSU” would have to have a core of the SPD and the Greens is pure mathematics, “according to the SPD. Chairperson. “If a third partner is needed, it will be the one with the greatest overlap in terms of content.”

There are positions among the left, for example when there are calls for the exit from NATO, “I have an allergic reaction, that would not be able to govern,” Walter-Borjans clarified. Likewise, there will be “definitely no traffic light in which the redistribution continues from bottom to top”. But he sees “forces in the FDP who are aware of this and rely on a social-liberal profile. And Christian Lindner no longer decides alone on the direction of his party. But he too has an interest in making the FDP governable again. ”

After the state elections in Baden-Württemberg and Rhineland-Palatinate almost two weeks ago, speculation arose about a traffic light in the federal government after the federal election in September. Since then, the Union has continued to lose support in polls. “The ties between the conservatives and the economy show how urgently the CDU and CSU need a time on the opposition bench. This is how a growing section of the public sees it. That is no reason for euphoria, but that gives us confidence,” commented Walter- Borjan’s development. With a view to the re-elected traffic light coalition in Rhineland-Palatinate, he emphasized: “Why should I exclude such a model for the federal government from the outset?”

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Original content from: Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung, transmitted by news aktuell

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