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▷ PP-ELT: 55-year-old missing in the Rhine

22.06.2020 – 10:06

Police headquarters, logistics and technology

Hamm (ots)

Since Sunday, June 21, 2020, 2:55 p.m., a 55-year-old man has been missing at Rhine kilometer 461,400, Hamm / Rhein, on the left bank of the Rhine. This wanted to cool off in the Rhine and, according to the current status of the investigation, was swept away by the strong current. After a rescue attempt by his 19-year-old son and his 16-year-old daughter failed, he drove to the valley.

Extensive search measures with boats from the WSP Mainz, WSP Gernsheim, the DLRG, the fire brigades Eich and Gernsheim, as well as two helicopters from the Hesse police force and the ADAC were unsuccessful. The search stopped at 5:30 p.m.

In this context, the Rhineland-Palatinate water police point out the dangers of swimming and bathing in rivers. Swimmers should never swim in the course of moving vehicles. They cause a large suction and wave impact. Swimmers cannot be seen by the skipper in an area up to 350 m in front of the bow of the ship.

Avoid any risk and observe the following guidelines!

   - Baden Sie grundsätzlich nur an überwachten Streckenabschnitten.
   - Gehen Sie niemals unter Einfluss von Alkohol, Drogen oder
     Medikamenten ins Wasser.
   - Lassen Sie Kinder niemals unbeaufsichtigt
   - Bleiben Sie immer in Ufernähe und schwimmen Sie niemals in die
   - Springen Sie nie in unbekannte Gewässer
   - Unterschätzen Sie niemals die Gefahren eines Gewässers und
     überschätzen Sie nie Ihre eigenen Kräfte.
   - Beachten Sie, dass "Schwimmhilfen" keine Sicherheit vor dem
     Ertrinken darstellen.
   - Beachten Sie örtliche Schwimm- und Badeverbote 

Please contact:

Police headquarters, logistics and technology
WSP-Station Ludwigshafen
Phone: 0621-963-2900
Email: [email protected]

Police headquarters, logistics and technology
Department of the Water Police Press Office
Telephone: 06131-65 8014
Email: [email protected]

Press releases from the Rhineland-Palatinate police are citing the
Source free for publication.

Original content from: Police headquarters, logistics and technology, transmitted by news aktuell

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