06.09.2021 – 13:43
Police headquarters in Trier
Trier (ots)
An 87-year-old woman from Trier was recently called by fraudsters. The young caller pretended to be a police officer. He said the prosecution was investigating the lady for criminal activity through online banking. During the phone conversation, he asked for the balance and asked her to get her documents from the bank. He suggested a cafe as a meeting place. In a skillful interview, the alleged police officer learned of connections abroad and asked the senior citizen to transfer money to a lawyer. The woman became suspicious and informed the police. She did the right thing by failing to provide any account information and ending the call. There was no damage. As part of their investigations, the police sent hearing sheets, summons for interrogations by post or made appointments at the police station by telephone.
The police expressly warn of fraudulent schemes on the phone and give the following tips:
- Geben Sie am Telefon keine persönlichen Daten oder Kontodaten preis. - Lassen Sie sich nicht unter Druck setzen und beenden Sie das Gespräch, wenn Sie einen Betrugsverdacht haben. - Informieren Sie die Polizei über den Sachverhalt.
Please send any questions to:
Police headquarters in Trier
Phone: 0651-9779-0
Email: [email protected]
Press releases from the Rhineland-Palatinate police are citing the
Source free for publication.
Original content by: Trier Police Headquarters, transmitted by news aktuell
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