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▷ POL-PPRP: Ludwigshafen-Oggersheim – Hausbrand

25.09.2021 – 06:25

Police Headquarters Rheinpfalz

Ludwigshafen (ots)

On September 24th, 2021 there was a house fire around 2:20 pm on Speyerer Straße in Ludwigshafen-Oggersheim. The fire was extinguished by the Ludwigshafen fire brigade. The Speyerer Straße had to be closed during the extinguishing work. People were not harmed. The house on the outskirts of Oggersheim is currently not habitable. The amount of damage is still unclear. The criminal police have started investigations into the cause of the fire.

Please send any queries to:

Police Headquarters Rheinpfalz
Peter Gleber
Phone: 0621-963-0
Email: [email protected]

Press releases from the Rhineland-Palatinate police are citing the
Source free for publication.

Original content by: Police Headquarters Rheinpfalz, transmitted by news aktuell

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