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▷ POL-OF: Speed ​​camera report: The press office team wishes all road users …

30.12.2021 – 09:30

Police Headquarters Southeast Hesse – Offenbach

Offenbach (ots)

Offenbach and Main-Kinzig areas

Speed ​​checkpoints for the 1st calendar week 2022

(aa) In the first week of the new year, the officials of the traffic management check compliance with the speed limits at accident blackspots and wilderness areas.

We wish all road users a safe journey in 2022 and that they reach their destination safely.

Measurements are planned in the following locations:


L 3268, Hanau, Maintaler Straße in the direction of Dörnigheim (accident focus); Hanau-GA, Depotstrasse at “Alter Kahler Weg” in the direction of HU-GA (accident focus);


L 3268, Hanau, Maintaler Straße in the direction of Dörnigheim (accident focus); L 2310, between the entrance to Mainflingen and Aschaffenburger Straße (wilderness route); L 2310, B 45 in the direction of Froschhausen (wildlife hazard route);


L 3268, Hanau, Maintaler Straße in the direction of Dörnigheim (accident focus); K 174, Dietzenbach in the direction of Rodgau between Waldacker and Rodgau-Ringstrasse (wilderness route);


L 3268, Hanau, Maintaler Straße in the direction of Dörnigheim (accident focus); L 3001, Dietzenbach in the direction of Offenthal, between Hexenberg and Offenthal (wilderness route);

January 8th and 9th, 2022:

L 3268, Hanau, Maintaler Straße in the direction of Dörnigheim (accident focus).

Offenbach, December 30th, 2021, press office, Andrea Ackermann

Please send any queries to:

Thomas Leipold (lei) – 1201 or 0160/980 00745
Andrea Ackermann (aa) – 1214 or 0173/301 7834
Felix Geis (fg) – 1211 or 0162/201 3806
Alexander Schlüter (as) – 1223 or 0162/201 3290
Jennifer Mlotek (jm) – 1212 or 0173/3017743

Police headquarters in Southeast Hesse
-Press Office-
Spessart ring 61
63071 Offenbach am Main
Telephone: 069 / 8098-1210 (collective number)
Fax: 0611 / 32766-5014
Email: [email protected]
Homepage: http://www.polizei.hessen.de/ppsoh

Original content by: Police Headquarters Southeast Hesse – Offenbach, transmitted by news aktuell

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