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▷ POL-LB: Fires in Böblingen, Rutesheim and Oberstenfeld; Vehicle fire in Herrenberg

01.01.2020 – 08:35

Police headquarters in Ludwigsburg

LudwigsburgLudwigsburg (ots)

Böblingen: Fire in a Protestant church building

On Wednesday around 4 a.m., visitors to a New Year’s Eve event of the evangelical parish in Murkenbachweg in Böblingen noticed that an adjoining building was crackling. An inspection revealed that there was a fire on a power distribution box inside the building, probably due to a New Year’s Eve. The event guests were able to prevent the fire from spreading through initial attempts to extinguish the fire. The fire brigade, which was on site with one vehicle and six soldiers, extinguished the fire completely. The property damage is estimated at around 5,000 euros.

Rutesheim: Firecrackers leftovers in the garbage can lead to high property damage

Firecrackers disposed of too early were probably the reason for a fire brigade on Wednesday at around 1.30 a.m. in Rutesheim. A plastic rubbish bin that was standing on a light shaft in front of a family house started to burn and then melted. The liquid plastic from the garbage can flowed into the light shaft and there started another fire on a plastic sheet. The Rutesheim fire brigade, which came with three vehicles and 17 soldiers, had to open the outer facade of the building in order to be able to locate any embers. The fire was quickly extinguished, but no embers were found. Nevertheless, there was material damage, mainly due to the opening in the facade, amounting to approx. 5,000 euros.

Oberstenfeld: Garagenbrand

On Wednesday around 2 a.m. there was a garage fire in Oberstenfeld. Presumably due to a misdirected rocket, a pile of wood caught fire under the roof of a garage next to a residential building on Wartbergweg. The flames then spread to the garage, which also caught fire. The Oberstenfeld fire brigade, which was on site with six vehicles and 38 soldiers, was able to extinguish the fire before it could spread to the residential building. Property damage to the amount of approx. 50,000 euros occurred on the pile of wood, the garage and the exterior facade of the house.

Please contact:

Police headquarters in Ludwigsburg
Telephone: 07141 18-9
Email: [email protected]

Original content by: Police Headquarters Ludwigsburg, transmitted by news aktuell

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