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▷ POL-FR: traffic accident with injured person – car collides with tram – …

10.09.2020 – 22:29

Police Headquarters Freiburg

Freiburg (ots)

City of Freiburg im Breisgau

City of Freiburg, Freiburg-Herdern, Freiburg-Zähringen

On September 10, 2020 around 8:10 p.m. there was a traffic accident on Zähringerstraße near Hornusstraße.

The 78-year-old driver of a car, unfamiliar with the area, drove south on Zähringer Strasse and turned left at the level of a gas station and drove on the parallel tram tracks.

Apparently, he overlooked the tram, which was also properly driving south. The latter was able to initiate braking, but of course no longer evasive and collided with the car. Fortunately (as far as known) nobody was injured on the tram. The car driver was temporarily jammed in his vehicle, but was then able to leave it through the passenger side. He was slightly injured and was released on site after outpatient treatment in the ambulance.

The collision caused damage of around 8,000 euros to the tram. The car suffered a total economic loss. No neutral witnesses either. Pkw-Führer 01 can be released on-site after initial outpatient care in the ambulance.

The Freiburg Traffic Police (Tel .: 0761 882-3100) has taken over the investigation and is looking for witnesses to the incident who can provide information on how the accident happened.

FLZ / mt

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Original content by: Police Headquarters Freiburg, transmitted by news aktuell

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