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▷ POL-FR: Freiburg: Police headquarters Freiburg: Police operation on the occasion of possible …

12.02.2021 – 13:43

Police Headquarters Freiburg

Freiburg (ots)

In the aftermath of the operational situation under assembly law on December 19, 2020, a joint investigation team was set up in January 2021 with the participation of the Freiburg-Nord police station and the criminal police department.

As of February 12, 2021, a total of 163 people could be identified against whom the initiation of fines or criminal proceedings was being examined.

Through extensive investigative work, in particular through the inspection and evaluation of extensive image and sound material from the police, the investigative group was able to initiate a total of 150 fine proceedings.

The violations are mostly violations of the Assembly Act and the Corona Ordinance, or the general decree of the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district office on measures to protect against infection in the city of Freiburg im Breisgau.

Furthermore, investigative proceedings in the low double-digit range could be initiated in cooperation with the responsible criminal police inspection. The subject of the investigation is, among other things, resistance to police officers or insults against police forces.

The initiated fine and criminal proceedings are submitted to the competent authority or public prosecutor’s office after the investigation has been completed.

jm / lr

   -Abschlussmeldung vom 19.12.2021  - 

During the afternoon, the police checked all relevant locations both in Weil am Rhein and in the Freiburg district. Occasionally, small groups in the area of ​​the square of the Old Synagogue could be found and addressed in Freiburg, who were informed about the prohibition order.

At different locations within Freiburg, such as the Kanonenplatz or in the area of ​​the city garden, groups of different sizes could be found in the course of the afternoon, which apparently could be assigned to the demo events.

Around 3:45 p.m., a group of 80 people was found in the Bertoldstrasse area, checked by emergency services and their personal details were collected. This also resulted in traffic disruptions for tram lines 1, 3 and 4 over a period of around 2.5 hours for public transport. Investigations into the violation of the ban on assemblies and the Corona Ordinance are being initiated.

In addition, the prohibition order issued by the city was largely followed, so that the Freiburg Police Headquarters can state that the operation was generally peaceful.

   -Erstmeldung - 

The Freiburg Police Headquarters became aware that a meeting was called on December 19, 2020 in Freiburg.

The city of Freiburg, as the assembly authority, has just issued a prohibition order, which forbids the assembly on the subject of “Against fascism and state arbitrariness” on the square of the Old Synagogue in Freiburg. At the same time, any substitute meeting in the city of Freiburg was prohibited. This also includes gatherings in the form of a car parade.

A demonstration in Weil am Rhein, also registered for today, has already been banned by the local assembly authority and the ban was confirmed by the Administrative Court on Friday, December 18, 2020 after the organizers had lodged an appeal.

The respective assembly authorities have also issued bans on assemblies in Waldshut, Rheinfelden and Lörrach.

The police are on duty and will monitor compliance with the prohibitions.

Please send media inquiries to:

Police Headquarters Freiburg
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Original content by: Police Headquarters Freiburg, transmitted by news aktuell

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