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▷ POL-FR: Follow-up to: Burglary in a single-family house

26.03.2021 – 09:10

Police Headquarters Freiburg

Freiburg (ots)

District of Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald

[Gemeinde Lenzkirch;]

As part of the search, the police were able to find two people yesterday afternoon who are strongly suspected of having committed the break-in into a single-family house in Friedhofstrasse during the night of March 24th, 21st to March 25th, 21st. The two people, aged 15 and 19 respectively, are suspected of having forcibly entered the residential building and spent the night there. In the course of the night, the perpetrators had drunk various spirits and prepared meals. They also damaged the apartment’s inventory. According to initial assessments by the police, the two perpetrators caused property damage of around 10,000 euros. Criminal proceedings were initiated against the two people.

First report 25.03.21

On March 25, 21, around 11:45 a.m., the owner of a single-family home on Friedhofstrasse reported that her house was being broken into and that the perpetrators were probably still in the building. She herself had been out of the house overnight and had now heard the voices from the apartment.

After receiving the notification, a large number of police officers from Lenzkirch, Neustadt and Bonndorf rushed to the address mentioned. The building was surrounded and then searched by police dog squadrons.

No one could be found inside the building. The perpetrators fled in an unknown direction before the police even arrived.

According to initial assessments, the perpetrators broke into the building through a window, ate various foods and spent the night in the apartment of the injured party. Whether the perpetrators stole valuables or cash has yet to be clarified. However, there was considerable damage to the window and inside the building.

The Lenzkirch police station has started the investigation and asks any witnesses to the incident to call 07653/964390 or 07651/93360.

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Original content by: Police Headquarters Freiburg, transmitted by news aktuell

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